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iv never used DLS before its what my audio shop showed and advised me to get a month ago when i was in thinking about it.


i used to have 2 x rockford punch P2's in special boxes in on of my old cars


the same people did that for me they used to do fosgate you can still try them coz i think they do still do it if thats what you really want and they are a good bunch of people.


i was going to get them to design a full install for me probs using the DLS stuff coz it seems really good.


but got other Mods on the way atm :teeth:


this is the people i use http://www.bassmechanix.com/


you will have to ring as they dont show products on the website but worth a go ;)

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no problem glad i could help


haha yeah they would be way up north next to me haha :lol:


i just looked where you were from and thought it might not be such a short journey up but they could post again im not sure as they are just down the road.


but they would be good for advice if nothing else :thumbs:


yeah ebay is your friend haha could grab a bargain ;):thumbs:

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Right having a chat yesterday with the audio shop & a couple of phone calls later i think im going to go with a 12" Rockford Fosgate shallow mount sub,gives 400rms i think,powered by the RF p400.4 i think it was as i cant get enough power from a 3 channel to power the sub.

They also pointed out a set of RF comps for the front so it keeps everything the same,they were £250 though so no thanks.lol.Ill get some around the £150 i think.Ideally need to shift on my current sub & amp as ive just taxed the zed so thats me pretty skint now :lol:

Oh im changing my h.u aswell,getting rid of my IVA-D310rb today & ive been looking at the Alpine x305 at the minute

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Stealth all the way Lamby,the subs going in the box in the standard sub space like my pics on page 2 ;) Im planning on using the glove box behind the passenger to house the amp & cap etc B) Oh something i havent considered though,where to have my ipod & ipod idapter depending on the new head unit i go for

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Now the box is made and you have chosen a Sub, have you got a suitable connector to wire it all up properly? If not then the link below is the way to go. It's a connector that i always use and even Alpine themselves use it on their enclosures so it must be good. Available from maplins and easy to fit. :thumbs:


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I know you must have thought of it, but just in case, DYNAMAT EVERYTHING :bang::bang::bang:


Any new good sub with move more air than the Bose. My Alpine Tyre 10 inch moves 13 times more and the interior wont take it without the sound deadening, cos there not alot in there already. The vibation inside will just make it sound S@*&t no matter have good your components are. I know Dynamat is not cheap and you cant see the money in it, but do it. It is worth it. looking forward to the pics.


Oh... The door speakers need to be shallow too if you're chaging them. Give Hertz Space units a look.... :teeth:

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Again thanks for all the help guys. Bit of a change of plan though. Ended up giving my mate his money back for the D310rb as in the 2 months ive had it removed the DC to DC converter has grown legs & sodded off,leaving me with a completely useless unit :angry:

Alpine want £95.48 for a replacement & i really cant be arsed to buy one so im starting to seriously consider flogging on the box & attempting to sell my current sub & amp,leaving the zed as it is :dry:

If i do end up going down the latter route at least i havent shelled anything out yet,well other than the box

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I dont know really sunset,my mate gave me £300 for the lot but i highly doubt ill get £200 for it now,allowing the buyer to get the dc themselves making it just shy of the £300 mark again.

The units mint though apart from the springs gone in the release button but it comes off fine anywho,the hideaway box has surface scratches from being fitted under the seat in my old FTO

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