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Posts posted by macca

  1. How you holding up bud any news from the insurance? :blush:


    Taking it's time as I expected but apparently the car has gone to a salvage yard, which I'm assuming means it's been a write off, which I was hoping for in a way cos I didn't want mine back repaired. I didn't have protected no claims but had 4 years, apparently I will only lose 2 of those, which I was over the moon about as you can imagine. So with my gap insurance and only losing the 2 years no claims it hasn't turned out all bad. More I think about it the more I want another one. Been driving around in my works van looking at other alternatives and there really isn't anything on the road at the moment for that sort of price range that even comes close. Just hope all the younger drivers can learn a lesson from my mistake and Richie's and just take it easy and know what you're driving limits are. I know mine now, albeit a little too late.

  2. Just reading this, I was playing a mate's 360 the other day and I think I was playing against you Neo. Got caned since I don't play games very often. :blush:


    sorry,wasn't me, only got the game for the PC.


    Can't get used to a joypad for these types (FPS) games :blush: , can't beat a mouse n keyboard :teeth:


    I used to play alot of counter strike and counter strike source on the PC up until recently. I was really good and playing a first person shooter on the xbox360 really narked me because I knew I wasn't as good at them as I could be on the PC however I've really got into cod4 and regulary finish top of the team. My tag is macc4 if anybody wants to add me, I play it on my 360 quite a bit in the evenings.

  3. Got some PIAA front wipers and bosch rear, plus PIAA screen wash for sale. These were bought off Phil before I ditched my car and were never fitted but the PIAA front wipers have been removed from the packaging but still have the instructions and all the parts with them. These wipers and the screenwash cost me near enough 50 quid from phil so I'm looking for £30 posted. Send me a PM on here if you're interested, first come first serve, don't really want to split the pack. Thanks.

  4. It slid down the ditch nose first, guess it jabbed into the mud and flipped it back. Only guessing, happened quite quickly. I'd like to get into a Zed again but I just think the timing is right for me to direct my money elsewhere. Plus my insurance was £1200 with 4 years no claims, I dread to think what it'd be with 0 years no claims. Just sucks, but I have only myself to blame. I'll learn from it and then hopefully in a few more years when I'm financially stable again I can go back to having a nice car, just isn't the right time at the moment now this has happened. Just wish I'd had it a little longer, really will miss it :(

  5. Hell, dont know what to say bud, at least you are ok and thats the main thing.


    You can tell me where I can get some wax that'll get that mud out :thumbs:


    Just lost the back end on a corner it the wet, corrected it, then over corrected it, then I was strapped in my seat upside down in a ditch. My drivers side airbags and steering wheel airbag didn't go off which pi**ed me off a bit, but saying that, the passenger side took most of the impact and they did go off. Hey ho. Anyone selling a 1litre corsa? :)

  6. Yup, today I binned my pride and joy. Lucky enough to say I'm ok with only a slight bump on my head and it could've been 10 times worse if the ditch I landed in had water in it more than 6 inches deep. Car's a write off and I'm absolutely gutted about it as anyone would be. I have gap insurance on the car and it's fully comp so I will get the full amount of the car back, but with my no claims not being protected I don't think there's going to be any point in me going down the 350Z route again. About time now I look at putting my money towards buying a house. It's been a pleasure owning and driving the Z but I guess things always happen for a reason so I assume it's my time to move on. Pictures below are a bit @*!# because they were off my 2MP camera phone.










    Forgot to put a pic in to do it some justice!



  7. I'm an electrician and I really do fancy getting out of the domestic side and into something more like what you're doing. What kind of work is involved? Is it purely maintenance? My apprenticeship involved domestic work, but I also had alot of experience in industrial, factories etc and also commercial builds, office blocks and what not. So this would mean as far as a maintenance side is concerned I would know very little.


    Its mostly maintenance and installing modifications, if you have done an aprenticeship you'll be fine. Out of the 15 of us that started about two thirds are electricians in one form or another, and the rest are fitters. The company dosn't do seperate trades though - you're expected to do both electrical and mechanical work, as there is usually only 2 guys working on the turbine.


    Although we have one lad who did PLC's and elecronics who's never touched anything above 12Vdc! :)


    There are loads of offshore windfarms planned, especially on the east coast! http://www.bwea.com/ukwed/offshore.asp

    Google them - most sites have their own website. I just applied to an ad in the local paper!



    Sorry Martin, theres two boats on order for us already! Incidentally, i may yet get a placement at the Barrow site, i'll let you know. :boat::teeth:


    Yeah I did a full apprenticeship, been qualified for nearly a year now. I want another year or two experience before I leave though as I'm comfortable at the moment. The mechanical side would interest me as although I am qualified, it's more the installation side the interests me than the technical side if you follow me :) I was thinking about going on the oil rigs or possibly even the research bases at the south pole. Only problem with the latter is it is about £25k a year, although it is tax free, it's not very much for spending most of your year with penguins and polar bears. I'll definately look into this in the future, pictures make it look fascinating :thumbs:

  8. I'm an electrician and I really do fancy getting out of the domestic side and into something more like what you're doing. What kind of work is involved? Is it purely maintenance? My apprenticeship involved domestic work, but I also had alot of experience in industrial, factories etc and also commercial builds, office blocks and what not. So this would mean as far as a maintenance side is concerned I would know very little.


    If the SET1E is ever disconnected from the mains the display

    will go blank but the unit will keep your programme time and

    settings for up to 10 hours.

    When power is restored the unit will continue to function as



    For power cuts or disconnections of greater then 10 hours, when

    mains power is restored you must reset the unit (see page 15).

    This will reinstate the factory preset programmes and set the

    time of day to noon.


    Got that from http://www.danfoss-randall.co.uk/PCMPDF/8656.pdf


    I'm a sparky and I can't see that they'd have had the power off for more than 10 hours but it's worth a shot. There will be a pin sized reset switch somewhere on the unit, try that and see if it resets to factory programs. If it doesn't take the unit off the wall and check on the PDF to make sure the connections are as they should be. Unless they've moved it from the wall these should be as they were before they came to your house. Failing that ring 'em up and tell them to come back 'cos it was working before they came :thumbs:

  10. This is mine without any waxing as I'm waiting for some decent weather to spend the time doing it. Washed it then went somewhere nice to take a pic of it! :blush:




    I say ban all women and girlfriends in general. :dry:


    Stu, you big misery! There's lots of fun stuff you can do with girls in cars too! ;)


    ....not in the Z Digsy - it's just not possible????!!!


    Use your imagination Graham... :teeth:


    ...it's just not possible with the doors shut! :blush:


    Apparently there's a diagram on the underside of your boot, next to the one showing how to fit 2 golf bags in, describing how to do the above! :thumbs:

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