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Posts posted by strider86

  1. Hello people, long time since i posted but im wondering if im the only one with a irritating problem!?!?


    When i get over 65/70 mph i get wind noise from the top of the drivers window, is this something to do with the rubber seal around the door, or something far more sinister and annoying?? the good news is that sometimes the faster you go it goes away...is that my only option? :lol:

  2. Nice looking car bro...possible to get any pics of the engine bay? always been interested in doing mine




    - how much boost it running through what turbos? always been intrigued as to what capable thru a Z engine....


    -is it running an intercooler? couldn't see one in the pics


    ...oh and zedrush...damn straight, black def the best colour!! :D

  3. Welcome mate, great to meet you last night felt like I knew you for years. Remember you got to do the club initiation first, erm see Andy :lol::lol::lol:;)


    What?! that thing me and you did after everyone went home wasnt initiation?!?! you lied to me,,,i have feelings you know :lol::lol:


    was definatly good to meet you though mate, im normally alot more lively but this whole weekend ive been feeling crap. hopefully i have better luck next time!


    PMSL :lol: pm me when you go down to the Thurrock one ill come with ya, also if you free one sat come with me to collect my car from the body shop after kit has been installed :thumbs:


    Your Z looks stunning get some pics up mate :thumbs:B)


    yeh man, ill let ya know next time im going to thurrock, may leave it a few weeks cause the police will prob be real hot on it all cause of the crash that happened last saturday....yeh i should be free to come with ya to pick ya car up from the body shop. when and where dude??


    oh...and sl114, i know we havent met, but i get the hint your a little jealous of mine and zedrush's blossoming relationship?? hahaha :lol::lol::lol:

  4. Welcome mate, great to meet you last night felt like I knew you for years. Remember you got to do the club initiation first, erm see Andy :lol::lol::lol:;)


    What?! that thing me and you did after everyone went home wasnt initiation?!?! you lied to me,,,i have feelings you know :lol::lol:


    was definatly good to meet you though mate, im normally alot more lively but this whole weekend ive been feeling crap. hopefully i have better luck next time!

  5. lol, im always ready mate! dont worry about that...as for sharing with cavey, i can deal with that. lol :D



    :lol: She's Latvian, her name is Emilija when she said it I said oh you Albanian, she gave me a dirty look :lol: I said I was going to give her a sponge cos we got 8 350z sitting outside, she saw the funny side :lol: Told her you were too shy to talk to her as you don't have much contact with women, she said give her a call. Hope she dont think it was me trying it with her :shutup: Id be dead meat lol, Must admit she was hot B) Hmm, I have her number... decisions decisions :lol:;)


    Oh she's just after the car!...how shallow........LOVE IT!! but i did explain in TGI's why i wouldnt get her number myself "im not feelin sexy with this flu"!! lol

  6. Sorry its taken me so long to post a reply...i can honestly say as soon as i got home i felt like s**t!!


    Anyway, what a wicked night. had loads of fun and looking forward to the next one! all those Z's in one place was a nice bit of eye candy!


    Loving all the pics and videos, all my pics came out really crap which is annoying, so looking forward to seeing what everyone else managed to take............Hey Zedrush...wheres this waitres's number?!?!!? lol

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