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  1. Well I'll keep you all posted and if the deal comes together I'll try and sort a special ticket promotion or summink, organise a trip into the pits to see the car up close etc... Cheers!
  2. if the plans come together, a 350Z GT500 At the moment I make do with Aiellos BTCC winning Primera... check out: http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?doc ... &plindex=3 On the road I am afraid I have yet to persuade Nissan to loan me something appropriate for this forum but working on it! Cheers Rick
  3. Folks, if the Championship winning 350Z GT500 from the Super GT series were to race in anger in Europe for the first time, would anyone be interested in coming along, making a day of it? The plan would be to compete in the Dutch Supercar race which is early afternoon on Saturday 8th Sep before the start of the Silverstone 24hour race, which is a fun weekend in itself. There is a chance of a car being released by NISMO to do a "for the fans" tour of this meeting, the prior one for the DSC supporting the Champ Cars at Assen and the Spa racing festival in October... but only if the fans want to see it! Thoughts? Interest? Cheers Rick
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