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Posts posted by pooky74

  1. hello we have 17 x 350Z, 2 x 370Z and 1 GTR from France


    I 'm sad to see that only Flash from swiss forum confirm is participation.


    Please if you're really interesting send me a PM.


    Without answer from european forums before 15th of january I will cancelled event.


    We can't make a european meeting with only french people.


    It's amazing that S2K made an european meeting with 250 cars even their is less S2000 in market than 350Z may be they're more fans :shrug:





    for 2 people arriving saturday and living monday end of day :


    hotel : 37 € (for 1 or 2 people) x 2 = 74 €


    meal : 25 € x 5 = 125 € x 2 = 250 € (hope to have best price like 18/20 € by personn)


    treasure hunt : 35 € x 2 = 70 €


    boat : 8 € x 2 = 16 € (hope to have best price like 5 € by personn)


    expenses = 2 x 30 € = 60 € (hope to get pay by sponsoring)


    Total for 2 personn = 470 € in hight budget


    you're free to participate to 1 or 2 or 3 days.


    Participants french forum notre350Z : http://www.notre350z.com/forum/viewpost_281579.html#281579


    pooky74 + StephanbarZ OK

    Olivier13 OK

    raparis + Ann waiting for registration form

    Bullet OK

    EVILZ (GT-R ) waiting for registration form

    Clo2 + Dominique OK

    GIM OK


    jimmy75p OK

    kft_arthur (370Z) OK

    doudouZ waiting for registration form

    zztop + Josy OK

    notre350z Creator of French forum 8) OK

    Thierry.B OK

    steph14 OK

    ziz OK

    FredZ waiting for registration form

    Ruff waiting for registration form

    peault (370Z) waiting for registration form

    Manouch + Aurore waiting for registration form


    Participants swiss forum : http://www.350z-club.ch/showthread.php?p=17255#post17255


    Flash OK


    Participants english forum 350Z-UK : http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=23591


    Participants english forum Zclub :



    Participants english forum **REMOVED** : http://forums.**REMOVED**.com//index.php?showtopic=23710


    Participants italian forum Nisssangtclub : http://www.nissangtclub.it/index.php?topic=5797.15


    Participants spanish forum : http://www.club350zspain.net/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=6241


    Participants german forum : http://www.my350z.info/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=11121&p=160240#p160240


    Participants forum US Europe section My350z : http://my350z.com/forum/europe/451882-european-350z-days-april-2010-france.html#post7667867


    Participants forum US Europe section Nicoclub :




    Participants forum US Europe section 350zmotoring : http://www.350zmotoring.com/forums/other-country-events/55359-european-350z-days-april-2010-france.html#post804991

  2. Hello Guys I'm back B)


    I'd organised a weekend (18-19-20 of april) with several Zs in Charente.


    We visited Angouleme, Cognac (Hennessy), Saintes (amphitheatre), Royan, Ile d'Oleron (Chassiron headlight), La Rochelle.


    At Saintes the mayor give me the autorisation to enter the Z in the amphitheatre


    I hope thoses pics will give you envy to visit this wonderful part of France. If you need news about adress of hotel and restaurant let me know :thumbs:


    More pics


    http://www.notre350z.com/forum/files/No ... vril%2008/


    http://leclownogame.free.fr/photos/inde ... category/3





  3. Looks like a great trip! :thumbs:


    Is it me or is that one HUGE supercharger on that S2000??? :wacko:


    yeap a big snail you know there is a lot of room in front of a S2K so he had to find something to fill the empty place :teeth::teeth:


    Have you driven it? What's it like?


    I would fancy an S2K if it had some torque!


    nope jsut have a look but even I meet often S2K I never drive one but I wouldn't too much dangerous compare to the Z

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