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Everything posted by ob'Z'esed

  1. cheers guys, ive been looking at the jwt pop charger ive just emailed splparts.com for a shipping quote. honda s2000 stubby aerial arrived on friday. saw a poll on the site which was a great help, looks loads better imo. the wales run sounds really cool think i might be joining you for that! went to japfest2 yesterday at donington but was abit dissapointed with the 350z turnout. still a good day tho. cheers for the help guys its much appreciated
  2. hi all, i've just become the proud new owner of a 54plate black 350z gt with nismo kit! and loving it! this site is great and it completly made up my mind about what i wanted. i have no mods on the car its pretty standard apart from the nismo kit so if any1 has any recomendations for bargain mods (performance wise) or just general recomendations about the car to start with please let me know or if any owners live in or around Nottingham and organise meets please let me know. cheers guys Leon
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