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Posts posted by Azure06

  1. Dear All,


    much though i love my 2006 azure coupe, i must leave it for the next 6 months as i'm going to south america for work. boo hoo sob. this wrenches the heart like a father leaving his kids but living in buenos aires was too good to pass up. (plus i'd already ordered the Zed and it was too late to cancel!)


    what are the best options for long term storage of the Zed? i have a garage and was toying with either letting the windows down a bit and disconnecting the battery and putting it all under a car cover or i could leave the key with someone and they can turn the engine over once in a while. (not sure i trust even my mother enough to do this and not "take it for a spin").


    which is preferable? the dealership were not terribly knowledgeable on this sort of thing. i don't think they'd ever been asked it before.


    fear not though as i've been getting my money's worth and using every one of it's 296 horses. :D in a month i'm on 3500 miles which has seen autobahn munching at the scary end of 150mph and also a jaunt down to monaco for the grand prix weekend :teeth: - if you haven't done the route napoleon then i highly recommend!

  2. fear not on the wash front, 'tis not a macine but one of those places where they let a guy run a hand car wash business in the shell garage itself. think i'm going to get to know him quite well.




    the dealers said to drive it to 3500rpm until 600 miles. i hope it's not 1200 miles cos i'm close to the 600 now and am keen to start driving "with enthusiasm".


    swiss Z,


    i live near hanover so won't be at jhq. enjoy that autobahn tho and make sure you only get V Power fuel which is the shell 100 octane stuff. i've noticed a big difference between that and optimax on the old car. haven't driven my Zed in germany yet to see how that goes.


    does anyone know why we can't have 100 octane fuel in the UK?

  3. m13kyf,


    my facial smiling muscles are taking a beating! i park it near the window so can look out no matter what floor of the house i'm on!


    came out this morning to find the biggest bird sh*t i've ever seen splattered all over the roof and rump. another £4.99 at shell then for car wash. i'm on 484 miles now so that 600 is looking good and then we'll start to have some fun!



  4. alex,

    the street in question is at my fathers house on forres street, just down opposite 80 queen st pub (or drum and monkey as it was- how come you always know a pub by the name it's first called?!)


    jacko, it's tax free cos i'm in the army and based in germany so sorry to disappoint but you'll have to pay tax. or alternatively join the army just so you could own it (as "a friend" of mine did :) )

  5. it is an honour to inform the assembled company that a beautiful baby Zebedee was born to me yesterday at 1pm. i am the proud father of the new addition to the family.


    ok so i've had it for 36 hours and can't stop smiling. :D already washed it as it was a bit grubby after motorway journey up to The Burgh. can't stop smiling at it when i come out of the petrol station or something. a woman gave me funny looks in the street as i took these photos but i care not about such things- IT IS MINE FINALLY!


    picked it up with 28 miles and i'm now on 300 miles and the guy told me to take it easy until 600. should get that done by tomorrow night at this rate! :teeth: how dull it is backing off just when it's sounding fun but this car is too precious to me to mess it up!


    saw a silver one in new town in edinburgh and parked next to it for a sec to see differences. easiest way to tell from outside is LEDs for brake lights on the back. inside you'll find aluminium surrounds on air con. either way, it's a peach older version or new.


    lomoto, thanks loads for that DVD. it's been as epic as i remembered!

  6. Dear all,


    after nearly 7 rather unpleasant months in Iraq, i'm home and have paid the deposit for the 2006 MY Zed. i'm getting an azure (you'd never have guessed from my name!).


    I will pick it up on Monday and will post some photos when i get it and stop grinning long enough to operate a camera.


    what size do photos have to be to go on here again? i've got a big camera so will have to shrink them down somehow. can anyone advise?


    regards! :D

  7. well it was either a new 350Z or a second hand tuscan but once you start to find out how much TVR servicing actually costs you don't want one quite so much. the engine tidy up and cleaning of the injection ports has to be dones every 6000 (?) miles and that put me off but it would be truly special to own. the zed gives everyday reliability but the tvr would be something else for that twisty b road.

  8. what's the other new colour?! the 06 coupe i've ordered is in azure, which i know is a great colour but just wondering what else is out there. i was totally happy with my choice and then you start throwing metallic black in there - lol :)

  9. wait till you go to the continent for a summer jaunt and start getting the shell v-power 100 octane garages on there too!


    i didn't think it would make much of a difference but i put whole tank loads through my 306 XSi and the gains were notable on the autobahn if nowhere else!

  10. i can't stand that woman with the frizzy hair. she was such a poor leader the other week when they had to go buy the 10 different things. anyone with an ounce of leadership or management training could see she was micromanaging and didn't trust the others = all wrong. i';m convinced they keep her in just to make good tv, like nasty nick on big brother or something.

  11. so do you guys think that the tom tom is the best out there on the market? is there anything better in the handheld gps satnav range? i haven't committed yet but i'm thinking the snooper indago or road angel navigator. has tom tom got a speed camera version out yet?


    any help much appreciated.

  12. yeah, my friend's mum has one. she's cool like that. took it to the shops via aberdeen. couldn't believe how there's no lag from that engine. it just pulls straightaway and it felt so nice to throw through some corners too. if i weren't buying a zed i'd be tempted.

  13. big al 757,


    tanks are a big target if you had a real conventional war. everyone is trying to get us from anti tank infantry to helis to other tanks and jets.


    the reason is we are a very big, very angry target and the amount of damage caused in a few minutes, (like i did in Iraq the 1st time around - hee hee) can be devastating.


    eddmac, i have to look at photos like that for work to practice recognising them so i'll leave the names of thos for others to figure out. needless to say the 2nd one is quite familiar.

  14. hey nick u, where were you working in iraq?


    my company car weighs 70 tons and has a 120mm gun on it -any takers? hee hee it's a challenger 2 tank. i have 3 in my train set out here in iraq. i'll take some photos and get them on here for you to gawp at. enough of flying machines :thumbdown: - you know it's all about the tanks! :D

  15. i've got a 06 on order for may but sat nav was just never a thought. my dealer agreed when i thought that a 1200 quid factory fit was a lot when you can get a road angel navigator for 600 notes. it just doens't make sense right now. i know VW have started to give away tom toms but eventually car makers will have to supply factory fit as standard i think.


    i think i'm going to get a snooper indago. it does europe, has the speed camera info in and can be updated easily on SD memory card. they are a very tidy design with no wires. still expensive but they, and the road angel navigator, are starting to come down in price now. hope to see a cut for the summer motoring market yet too.

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