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Posts posted by Infamous88

  1. Worth having a read up on the Fermi paradox https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermi_paradox


    I'm a self confessed Sci fi nerd and Space junkie, have been since I was a little kid.  The odds of us being alone in the universe are massively against it but there is zero empirical evidence to suggest that we arent alone.  However the scale of even just our solar system and the time it would take for visitors to reach out planet from even the closest neighbouring star are mind boggling on a human scale.  If faster than light or warp/wormhole technology aren't feasible then there is almost zero chance of another intelligent species being able to visit or even contact us short of voyaging for hundreds of years. 


    If intelligent life does manage to invent ftl drives and comes a knocking we will be in a Spanish vs the incas scenario and we're the incas. Their technology will be so far beyond anything we're capable of you had better hope they're benevolent 

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  2. Aye I tried to read it but they drive me daft, I spend a fair bit of time debating with them on Facebook.  I really struggle to not lose my temper with them.  They make nasa almost impossible to follow unless you go on a blocking spree. 

  3. Is the flerfer just Trolling? I hope so.  The whole flat earth conspiracy is utterly ludicrous.  I work at Edinburgh University, I know a LOT of scientists, there is absolutely NO way they could be persuaded to keep quiet about the supposed flerf.  


    Just because you are too stupid to understand a concept doesn't make it a conspiracy.  


  4. On 14/03/2018 at 21:13, Beefy said:

    Just as an update,

    I gave them a change to replace them in in Jan,

    I still haven't received them, so yesterday I asked for a full refund, still awaiting payment though.

    Might have to grab some from ZOCIETY, but they come in at £650 ish, give some for import tax as well, so we'll see.

    I heard rumours that Chris was planning on supplying some soon...

    I wonder if Zakustech would be up for a group buy, anyone?

    Chris has posted on Facebook a couple of weeks ago saying they are going to be making louvres, in the design phase at the moment I think. 

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