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Everything posted by futurezedowner

  1. My gearbox is making a very unpleasant grinding sound whenever I change into 6th at any speed above about 55mph. I'm pretty sure the synchromesh is going/gone but the next step is not really clear to me. I see three options: 1. Change the gearbox oil in the hopes that I can buy myself some more time 2. Pay for an expensive repair on the gearbox 3. Find a second hand gearbox from somewhere and get that fitted Has anyone else had a similar problem, if so, what gearbox fluid should I buy? And if that's not going to work how much do you think the repair options are going to cost? I live in Kent and my zed has 38k miles. Any help very much appreciated!
  2. I found a nice one in Shoreham(Brighton) that I'm going to see on Saturday. If there are any Zedders in the area that is willing to help out a noob that would be amazing.
  3. I wonder if there are any if there are any down here? Beer tokens are definitely up for grabs!
  4. What do you guys think of these professional inspections from the RAC/AA? I'm a bit embarrassed to turn up with one of those guys to be honest!
  5. Hi everyone, I've been thinking about getting a Zed for a while, and then since yesterday it's all I can think about! I found a 2009 model on Autotrader with 33k miles for £10k and I want to go and look at it at the weekend. Problem is the most expensive car I've bought in my life was £1800 and let's be honest I'm far from being an expert. My question is what is the main thing to look out for when buying a used 350? Is there anything in particular I should be wary of? I don't know if there's anyone in the Brighton area that fancies helping out a future zed owner... Thanks!
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