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Everything posted by joncessna

  1. Thanks anyway , I'll get the scanner plugged in and see what it says ; get back with info when I know more .
  2. Yes to checking both of those ! I keep petrol receipts and they match the 2013-14 mileage as near as poss . It's the 2014-15 that's missing . Havn't done a total fuel check yet but it's quite low , prob around 3 thousand . I assume the main recording is stored on the speedo , but does the ECU also keep a separate record.? As I say , it's working fine now and since the MOT , just the total for a year of 60 miles ! Unfortunately , I never look at or record the total anywhere else . My Twin Turbo had a speedo prob but that showed up on the speedo dial too of course .
  3. Following my MOT renewal , it appears my main Odometer stopped recording for all but 60 miles since last MOT ! I never look at that one and it's all working now, only noticed it because I read the MOT history list to see what last years total was . Speedo is fine and no other symptoms of any kind . I only do between 3 and 6 thousand a year in the Z. Any bright ideas anyone ? Does the ECU record mileage and will it show on a scanner ?
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