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Posts posted by Rook

  1. I agree with zeezee- just how much quicker you can go than our cars now has obviously increased, but the Z's still quicker than easily 95% of the other cars on the road.


    Last I checked, just because 'hyper cars' these days are breaking the 3 second mark in 0-60 times doesn't mean they're putting V8's in fiestas hahaha.

  2. I bought mine last April and there was a lot of choice around by then. I think it gets to that time of year and all the people selling think 'I'll wait til Spring when people buy sports cars' and since a lot of people selling sports cars by other sports cars, they could also be waiting til then for that.


    I paid £6300 for a fully loaded, FSH 07 revup with 88k. Now that is has 108k I wouldn't be surprised if I still got 6k odd, prices do seem strong, possibly to do with fuel prices going down...

  3. Hey,


    General question about what I'm letting myself in for rather than a technical Q...


    I'm pretty handy, have done odd bits of work to the car myself and I'm confident working my way round.


    Yesterday offside rear hub has started making some really rather unattractive noises, scraping under braking, then intermittent scrape sounds when moving along. My disc looks pretty well worn (not sure how this didn't come up in the MOT I had a month ago...) and it's the same the other side, so it looks like they're gunna need changing.


    Without going into too much detail - I've never faffed around with brakes before, so my questions are really:

    1. Is it safe for someone with just some experience and common sense to change the discs and pads?

    2. My car has 110,000 miles on the clock and is a youthful 9 years old - are there any complications I'm likely to run into as a result of its age? With my exhaust for example it was simply the case that I had no means of detaching the bloody thing from the Y-pipe.

    3. Is it difficult or just time consuming? Do I need a second set of hands? Any tips?


    I'd like to do it myself because i enjoy it but I also like being alive and having a working car so....

    • Like 1

    1. Zeezeebaba

    2. 370Ad

    3. GreenLandy

    4. Hodaka

    5. Jedibitch

    6. DarmoZ

    7. dajw




    11. Xelotath

    12. jamie1234

    13. Rook


    Never been to a meet apart from Beaulieu but I didn't get to talk to anyone there, so calling this my first.


    Be good to meet some locals!

  5. Doesn't bother me personally. Not with a car like the Z. Recent MOT's and receipts for any work are helpful, but a car could have been serviced every 2k miles and have an underlying issue, or it could be serviced every 20k miles but well maintained in between, and you don't really gather which from a stack of receipts.

  6. I know this is an old thread but it's an interesting topic so here's my experience and thoughts.


    My car's an 07 RevUp

    Doesn't burn any more oil than you'd expect from a 3.5 v6, only a very small amount

    Does 400 miles a week and has done for the last year

    Now on 108,000

    Original everything buy brake discs and pads


    It's still going extremely strongly, and frankly I'd much rather buy a car like mine that's younger but very well maintained and has done a huge amount of motorway mileage than a 2003 that's done 40k and sat eroding on the drive most of its life. Mine gets new fluids regularly, is kept running for a few hours a day, and shows absolutely no sign of letting up.


    I'm gunna keep it til probably about 130-140k mileage. I'm not convinced they 'die at 130k', I expect mine to be in top shape at that point.


    Anyone know what's failing on these cars supposedly dying at that mileage?

  7. Thanks everyone, short term is hopefully all I need!


    Juggalo, that's very generous of you! Do you think you'd be up for couriering it to me? At my expense of course! There's very little chance of me getting any where near that part of the country for a long while sadly. Honestly, I don't want to put you out or anything, I really am grateful for your offer.

  8. Hi all,


    My exhaust could really use changing but since I can't afford the one I want and I can't weld, I'm wondering if anyone's used Holt's Gun Gum to patch holes in an exhaust?


    i have a rust spot that I'm not sure whether or not is blowing and a hole in one of the bends on the Y-pipe that sounds distinctly blowy. There's some rather unflattering noise eminating from under my car and aside from the usual ceremony of picking off the loose bits of heat shield from the cats I'd really like to figure out what it is!


    Then comes the matter of what to replace it with, bearing in mind I need an entire cat-back system. I want as loud as I can get away with without droning on the motorway, pretty much, just nothing anti-social!


    Let's not make this a thread about that just yet though :p

  9. Where I live it's mostly school age looking kids in not-hot hatches, but I had an MG ZT 160 showing me what his rover was made of.


    I do exactly what someone said above, rev and act like I'm up for it then when they go full beans I just roll off the line or turn off at the junctions hahaha.


    Hopefully they go away thinking they can beat 350z's then get slapped by someone here a little racier than me haha.

  10. On the 'who bought a zed to do that'... I didn't buy a zed to do that but can't run two cars, so in order to have my weekend blatter I also have to drive it 400 miles a week to and from work, and it's all motorways so not exactly a spirited drive.


    So the more I can save fuel on an already boring weekly commute, the more I can spend driving like a twit at the weekend and spend on spacers, inefficient but cool sounding air filters and soon an exhaust hahahaha.

  11. I find this interesting, as the 370z I've driven *appeared* to be better on fuel, not worse, and has the same breathing upgrade AND a bigger block relative to my DE.


    The reported figures seem to support that the 70's better too. Anybody know why that might be?

  12. For me it's the best combination of HP/£ AND motorway-ready response, comfort for day-to-day but still perfectly capable in winding roads.


    You can get more powerful or faster cars, cars that'll go round corners quicker, and cars that keep up with it that are more 'sensible', but none of them are as reliable, cheap to buy, cheap to run (relative, of course), attractive (IMO), and can eat up the mileage in such comfort as the 350z.


    S2000? Too revvy and costs more for an equivalent age and mileage. Subaru STi? Have you sat in one for 80 miles a day? Also more expensive for equivalent age and mileage. BMW anything? Have fun when that inevitably goes wrong (because all cars have their moments).


    Most people who slag my car off haven't driven one, are jealous, or are just being dicks. It's not to some people's tastes and that's different, the Clio 182 sport belonging to my friend is absolutely not to my taste, but I don't hate on it because he loves it and it's perfect for him haha.

    • Like 1
  13. Blue's easier to look after as has been said, but as people here have also said I ended up making sure I had lots of options.


    Black would have been my preference, then blue, then GM then orange then silver.


    When it came to buying, I absolutely had to find something well maintained. High mileage was fine (preferred actually, I put so much on it it would have been a waste to spend more on something low) but I was also on a bit of a budget. I had £6k for the car and a further ~£1.5k on hand for breakables (tyres, brakes, clutch etc).


    Try getting something other than GM, silver or orange for 6k that's well maintained hahaha. Chances are if you like the colour, so does everyone else.


    In the end I got a much better deal than expected, and the fact that it isn't blue or black don't bother me at all, since I'm always in it.

  14. I really think with clutches it's best to ignore mileage and age and just feel it out; mine's just passed 106,000 miles, still on the original clutch. It's all motorway mileage so the clutch has been used a disproportionately low amount, and it'll still rip the rubber of the tyres before it slips!

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