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Z Newbie

Z Newbie (1/7)



  1. Hi Everyone! So, Finally got the Zed and already giving her all the love she deserves! was thinking about a quick service with Oil change, and then later on changing all the disc and the brake pads - Maybe in summer, just before the MOT is due! Also, I've spent the last week reading around the forum, so much useful information! Almost too much, as sometimes not easy to get immediately to what I was looking for, but definitely a great forum! good job to everyone contributing here!
  2. Thanks a lot Carla! Good to know she has has a nickname already! I promise she will be loved and looked after!
  3. Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! Let's say I couldn't miss the chance to work in the automotive world, which is my greatest passion - that's what made me fly all the way from Como to Coventry. Apart from that, I have to admit that despite I have nothing against Coventry, Como was slightly nicer as a place itself, but you know, I may be biased! I'll still be going home quite often, at least to drive the speedster on the alps from time to time which is absolute driving bliss - I'd recommend some driving trip on the alps to anyone here! Anyway, I had a look at the guide, which is brilliant - will definitely keep all of that into consideration during my search! Is there anyone from the same area that can suggest a good dealership/garage? (not just for buying the car, but also to service it in future, eventually)
  4. Hi everyone! I just moved to the UK for work and I decided my next car it's gonna be a 350Z! So, I'm currently looking for one, just started to look around Coventry and Birmingham, which is where I will be living. Till now I've been driving a 2.2 Opel Speedster (the vx220 here) around lake Como and the alps, which is where I am from, and I'll be keeping it in Italy for whenever I go back home. Any comments/tips/suggestions are more than welcome and I hope I'll be driving a Z soon!
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