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Everything posted by Nige85758

  1. I'm hoping I can get a replacement, it's only thin metal, so no wonder it's rotted.
  2. Thanks for the advise Mr ballistic. I was all excited when I got home on Friday with the noise of my cobra exhaust, and then horrified when I saw the state of the bracket lol. Now I've seen it, and know how bad it is, I've got to replace it, and I'm sure I can hear it rattle a bit, could just be my imagination.
  3. sorry I didn't explain too well, the bracket in question is bolted up to the floor of the boot area in a couple of places, and the bottom part of the arch plastic liner is bolted to it through a couple of clips, it's quite hard to tell as most of it has rotted, and it's flapping about a bit.This was all hidden I guess by the stock exhaust box.
  4. Hi guys I hope one of you knowledgeable chaps can help? Ok so at the weekend I had a cobra exhaust fitted. Had a look under the car when I got home just to see what it looked like, very nice I thought. But notice a bracket to the right of the exhaust was completely rusted to bits. I think it's supposed to hold the bottom part of the inner wheel arch trim in place.it's quit big, but a pressed bracket, it's on the right of the heat shield. Can anyone tell me what it's called please. I've searched a bit but can't really find anything.it goes without saying I want to replace it immediately, if not sooner lol I'm gonna pop to my local dealer tomorrow and see if they can get one. Sorry it's a bit vague guys
  5. Im having a nightmare trying to tax it under the new dvla rules, the previous owner had the car registered as a disabled car, so it was tax exempt. Haven't been too far in it yet, I'm a bit paranoid I'll get a tug.. Just waiting to hear back from them. So a bit of a pain
  6. Thanks for the info Gm, plenty to keep me occupied and to lust over lol
  7. Thanks for the warm welcome guys. Just getting to grips with the car, it's a bit different form my 330ci. Already have a list of jobs and mods I want to do. First being a cat back I think, but not sure what make. I've only heard a japseed k1 so far
  8. Hi everyone, just bought my first 350z and I love it so much. Just wanted to say hello to everyone and congratulate you on a great club..
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