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Posts posted by acripaul

  1. Congratulations Brayster


    Same thing happened to me. My technique was misdirection and good old bury the head in the sand.


    In the end the baby is here and I still have my z.


    Baby seat in the front is a no no but then we use her car for transporting our little chap as she's off work for a year.


    My advice, make a decision closer to when the maternity leave ends.......

  2. Evening everyone


    Could do with some guidance for shops / member traders for sourcing the following:

    • disc and pads
    • clutch and flywheel
    • bodykits
    • boot struts
    • paintwork in the North West (or even better on the Isle of Man.......)


    Thought it would be best to start on here and tap into the accumulated knowledge of suppliers than use trial and error.


    If there are certain traders I should PM please let me know.


    Thanks for any help

  3. Evening all


    I'm making the transition from one of those weird people who anonymously lurk on forums to one of those weird people who post on them!


    Been visiting this forum on and off since I bought my z last year (2004 Gunmetal GT, it was love at first engine growl). I've had to wean myself away from here at times as looking at all the mods members have done made me get a little obsessed a few months ago!


    Anyway new house and new baby all done and dusted and I'm back lurking but this time also posting (note I persuaded the girlfriend that we can use her car for all baby related operations allowing me to keep the z - thank god! :teeth: ).


    Earlier in the summer I took my z for her first service to my local stealership who happily informed me that I had >£6k worth of work that needed to be done. Luckily as I wasn't born the day before the service I had a strong suspicion that their price was probably slightly OTT. Plus I'm fortunate enough to have a Japanese car nut as a close friend who's more than capable of helping out with work.


    Soooooo I may be posting in the near future for suggestions for obtaining parts, any and all help would be much appreciated.


    And given that I'm doing some mechanical improvements I think I'll take the plunge and do some of those mods I've been drooling over! Again as and when I get around to it any suggestions and tips with sourcing parts would be appreciated.


    Cheers :)

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