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Hector Heathcourt

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Posts posted by Hector Heathcourt

  1. The only way you can beat a fraudster is to personally sue him privately, and a private investigation, this is very expensive, especially if you loose! More something a company would do if someone has stole a hella lot of money!! That's why the small scammers will always win! Even if they are stupid! And give out all there information!


    You could also beat a fraudster with a big stick???? not that I would condone violence. :blush:


    I do :)

  2. Recently I have become the 'victim' of internet/ebay fraud.


    I found a set of seats suitable for the Zed, spoke to the seller who seemed very genuine, provided proof of his address based on his name twice, spoke on the phone, gave me lots of details.


    I foolishly paid for the item outside of ebay for speed and because he asked me too, and after buying car parts for the last 5-6 years online with no trouble ever, I was obviously too trustworthy.

    There are many trustworthy people out there, and a select few ****ing up the system.


    I paid £350 for the seats (could have been worse) to then find out he regularly sells cars and parts, which he doesn't own, and then drops off the face of the earth.


    I have found posts generally dotted about the internet after doing some digging, and him openly admitting on facebook about owing people £1000's for FAKE parts and cars. I should have done the digging before buying the item.


    His name is John Varney, Lives in Ladywell, Livingstone, Scotland.

    I have bank account details, age, contact number, email etc etc


    I have spoken with the police, trading standards, and action fraud who have all taken details but Im a bit unhappy with the lack of response/effort. This happened on Saturday and I haven't heard anything back as of yet.


    Now without saying the obvious and driving up there to give him a piece of my mind, which trust me at the moment would provide the most satisfaction, does anyone have any advise to help this situation?


    Glad I got it all off my chest....


    do you have the eb name for this guy, i might have dealt with him somewhere else. i need to find this guy!

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