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Posts posted by Benedunn

  1. Having been on plenty of forums over the years I can kinda get the point here.


    When i joined i was quite surprised by the way that traders offer assistance directly in the open and also list prices on threads themselves. Most other forums (and im a trader myself on some) there seems to be a bit of an unwritten rule that traders have there own subforums and other than to offer assistance in the ways of free advice all advertising should be kept in there. Should a customer/ potential customer require and answer to a question that they want asking publicly they would do so by starting a thread in the traders own space.


    Ive already had a couple of experiences with traders on here and fortunately they have been as you'd expect from a forum trader - CS Motorsport in particular went lengths further than the call of duty to help me out with the offer of further assistance if required - despite me being a nobody on here - which i though was great. On the other hand there is a trader on here who unless i had no other option i would try to avoid using - no mention of who they are, though im fairly sure the service from them would be fantastic there seems to be a lack of etiquette to balance it out.




    Forum's should remain for there members 1st and foremost - Although it makes sense for members to have preferred traders who can and should be invited to trade on the forums i think that they should be sought out and not be mardering people. I think the trouble you have is though if 1 trader is bashing away on every thread saying 'we sell this for this price, use us! were the best' then the others will feel the need to also in order to get a look in - resulting in the seemingly shameless advertising on most threads that come up parts orientated ;)



    Maybe i aught to keep my nose out mind. But i do get where the OP's coming from - perhaps even more noticeable from a newbie :bangin:

  2. Oh and that RX7 is SEXY as hell. Love those cars man, just too much of a gamble to buy one.


    now now you really aught to get away from that view on them! Buying a rotary is NOT gamble you just need to buy 1 knowing and not learn after! and should you ever have the pleasure of owning 1 you will love it ;) Granted they arnt a day to day car - and a customer of mine once rightly said to me that owning a rotary is a way of life, he couldnt have been more right - it doesnt make them a bad car or bad engine for that matter ....



    In-fact i myself own 2 rx8's, my zed and ive been test driving s2ks for about 6 months waiting for the right car to come up (and i own a corsa too but thats just for work and back lol) and in all genuine honesty the mazda's are a much more rewarding drive than any of the rest - despite there downfalls nothing will put smile on your face quite like them ;)



    hopefully that'll give you nudge enough to open your eyes and dip a toe into the dark side B)

    • Like 1
  3. So, who's up for it? Let's get a list going.


    1. Frenshy

    2. 14N

    3. Wasso

    4. Kylefly

    5. Marzman

    6. JetSet

    6. 350Z Caroline

    7. OsakaBen

    8. Cyberfella

    9. GT4 Zed

    10. Brummiestormer (No paintball)

    11. Octet

    12. Sempiternal

    13. Stu_2424

    14. JackStrong

    15. Vlad

    16. PS13Silvia (No paintball)

    17. Michelle

    18. djti636

    19. Madmikester

    20. Benedunn



    itd be rude not to i guess :-)

    • Like 1
  4. and if you all follow the link you'll get this message



    "Sorry, we're unable to accept any further requests for sample packs at this time.

    We have received many thousands more requests for sample packs than we were anticipating and it's caught us out! So, we've decided we need to concentrate on sending out the sample packs already ordered and once we've got on top of the backlog we'll be able to accept more requests. Please bear with us and check back again in a week to ten days when we hope this facility will be live again.

    Thanks, the Greased Lightning team."



    • Like 1
  5. Nice day out :thumbs:


    I thought there may have been a better turn out from here, but still nice to see a few 350's there.

    More joint meets to be planned in the future I think.



    Lol ohhh hence all the pictures ... I thought we were on about September the 25th haha

  6. Im up for this! happy with the 25th too! :teeth:


    we could always do Flamborough Head at brid ?

    Head for the light house,,theres the car park and cafe ??


    Just so happens that we have a brand new caravan just at that exact place ... might even get the lot of us on the site for a picture in 1 of the bigh fields :stir: wortha shot but i dno what theyd think of a convoy of zeds tearing the place up :lol:

  7. Breakdown -


    The zed exhaust isnt that bad to work on ... though ive known easer. The cats have a nut each that it took a while to get the right ratchet/ socket combination on and in the end the only thing that made it easy you just dont find in a DIY socket set so im glad for the garage!


    the cheap de-cats wernt a bad fit for the money but the flexi in the y pipe had to take a little bit out of the off angle on the decat flanges - nothing major and the old y pipe managed fine with no blowing or over stretching.


    The back box wasnt an instant success but wasnt bad either and only required the hangers to be tweeked slightly to get it to sit level - other than that not bad all around.





    Sound? well now its put a big smile on my face - how long it will last who knows. between 1250 and 2500 rpm it sounds incredible! very very deep and you can feel it let alone hear it.

    at band on 2400 - 2500 i get a very very strange tweet - yep like a bird going mad, only when its really warm so im guestimating an ever so slight leak somewhere.

    at 3000 rpm the sound changes completely from a nice deep V6 grumble to a rather loud V6 rasp that denton (the young lad that works for me) got very very exited about, im not too sure as yet


    and at about 4500 rpm it all settles down to a nice reasonably loud exhaust note that im sure i like a lot


    main trouble with the inconstancy in noise's is i keep finding myself going round corners a little faster than im completely comfortable with as im holding onto the accelerator that second or 2 longer to hear it as it clibs :headhurt: im sure ill settle down :)




    all in all though a dam sight better than a blowing back box and blocked cats :yahoo:

  8. old and new 003_zps8a4d4597.jpg


    really surprised at the diddy little outlets on the stock manifolds ... thats gonna have to change! ive seen wider zorsts on corsas :dry:




    shiney :D




    shiney shiney :D








    please excuse the poor quality photos - my iphone 5 doesnt take very good photos through inches of muck and grime that my pockets collect :lol:

  9. mini update, My exhaust didnt sound right ... never really had much to do with the nissan before so i figured i was just how the big V6 sounded



    after a week or 2 though i convinced myself it was blowing and guess what! it was :angry: worse still i was sure there was a rattle, like nackard cat rattle and again i was right


    Only 1 thing for it ... new 1's :teeth: dont flame me ive gotten myself a stopgap toyo :scare: and a pair of cheapish de-cats too - sorry :surrender: Ive spent 3k on the rx8 this last 2 weeks and though i wanted to i couldnt stomach much more expenditure on modding right now :blush:


    so here it all is001_zpsdbc4348e.jpg



    and the big hole in my back box for those that dont believe i really really needed this haha :D






    dirty dirty broken cats :rant:



  10. if someone can find 1 ill could get them made in aluminium and anodised any colour you all like B)


    I have a few things made for the rx8 like slam panels, undertrays a sump guards so itd be no bother at all :teeth: carnt imagine theyd be expensive either since there basically just a flat panel

    • Like 1
  11. oooo in order of sheer exitment


    TVR cerberus speed 6 (4.2 V8 skateboard :scare: )

    Ferrari F360 (although it was on a supercar track thingy day so a little bias i guess)

    Mazda RX-8 (scarily good in the corners and rev's like a dream)

    Nissan 350z (Powerrrrrr, taction control off and crappy tyres makes mine a beast eager to bite your head off - but watch this space :boxing: )

    Subaru Impreza UK300 (it had its plus's and although i loved that it did 40 - 60 in the blink of an eye generally a bit of a bus :blush: )

  12. common fault buddy, probably find the problem in most zeds but obviously few folk get that mucky on them.


    try to get as much of the oil as you can out of there before you remove the plug, if enough oil gets into the cylinder and you put a new plug in you run the risk of hydro locking the engine, bending valves and making a mess.


    also expect a little smoke when you start her back up, nothing too much to worry about - cats dont like it though (i mean cat converters not your local moggy :lol: ) should clear pdq ;)

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