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Posts posted by Mike

  1. As someone said - it's printed on the inside of the fuel flap. The idea of "not knowing" a cars previous means you'll not bother "incase" is ridiculous.


    If you're going to use "normal" to save a few pennies here and there after buying a Z with its high tax, insurance, and maintenance costs - then saving pennies on fuel is, frankly, nuts. You bought the wrong car for your budget.


    Buy a cheap-to-run and maintain daily instead. So I'd definitely recommend using super and enjoy the point of owning the car :)

    • Like 2
  2. If you're on here - I didn't see you coming up in the rearview as I was absorbed in ... not sure what :D However, caught a wave when I noticed after you passed, tried to wave back but realised the dusk + distance probably meant not visible; Flashed as well but unsure if you'd have noticed (lane between us, perhaps didn't wait until you were far enough for me to be visible in side mirrors).



    But HI! :)

  3. Seen a couple of friendlies in Tamworth - a thumbs up at the train station lights, a flash/wave at the big lights near the rail bridge (Ashby Road) in the last few Months. Mainly Silver's/Gunmetal.


    Last Friday a tidy black going past on the big roundabout near Sainsbury's - heading to the Town Centre over the bridge, whereas I was carrying round to head towards Cinema.


    Greetings if on here :)

  4. AKA - the Dash Cam.



    Always fun, and caught (on Friday - driving home) the "black cars are invisible" curse. Or more likely "I CAN MAKE IT I CAN MAKE IT!".


    I didn't brake too hard as I didn't want the driver to think they had good judgement and made it safely...


    The zone is a 50.

  5. ↑ im going to non argumentatively (definitely not a word) disagree.


    At 20 years old with a stainless zorst and pop charger the zed will sound like the god of thunder to the lad. Sub 6 second 0-60 and a truck of torque.......the kid will spaff his pants.


    For the money I personally think its one of the best value cars for all that malarkey without looking like a chav.


    With the kiddies the more important question is can you afford to run it and have to presence of mind not to stack it into a wall?


    Oh no, you are right - it can be loud. But that's not exclusive to the Z, and there are plenty of options out there car wise. Likewise, the same for speed.


    That's why I say I think he's going about this all wrong. Get out there, get in one, give it a test drive. Once you've driven it you will know if it's the right car. Worry about the rest afterwards.

  6. I'm now 20 and my insurance is stupidly cheap, I can insure a 350 for no more than £950.


    My new job is a roughly a 10 mile round trip (through town). I do enjoy driving weekends.


    In terms of performance, they definitely aren't slow but I really do like a nice exhaust tone from my cars and the engine in the 350Z is great for that.


    So going from the question in the title - how about you get in one and try driving it?


    The reason I bought a 350z is someone told me about them, whilst trying a Z4 and a TT - I got into the 350z. I loved it. It has "personality" and I loved it. That test drive sold me, and I then tried several different Z's before shelling the money for my car.


    If you're just after a noisy exhaust then you're asking the wrong questions and looking at the wrong sort of purchase imo. Same for if you're after out and out speed... you're approaching this entirely wrong.

    Bottom line, the only way you'll know if this is your car is to drive one. Get in it and decide (also try other cars, obviously).

  7. That just says "we don't really care about you or your custom but if you are stupid enough to part with £13k then we are happy to have your money". What a complete bunch of absolute tossers. :bang: :bang:


    To me it sounds more like "We think you'll say 'scrap it' and we'll therefore take ownership of it and break it for parts, or plonk an engine in and flog it on" to me.

    Once had a garage tell me that an old Ford Sierra (going back a few years) needed £800 worth of welding - which would probably be about £1200 in today's climate. Took it home, a friend popped round with some equipment, welded for approx 30 mins for which he'd asked for a few pints in the local, and it past the MOT. Still think they priced their "work" so as to force me to scrap the car with them, at which point they'd fix it up in a spare 20 mins and flog it on for £500.


    Tis why (imo) reputation of the garage is everything.

  8. Chavs? I think the association is probably to do with being "customised" - changed body kits, loud exhausts etc. Just like I consider most *insert generic hot hatch sport version* cars to be chav cars too. It dates back to the 90's with the Nova's, Fiesta's, Renaults (all standard ones) which had body kits, alloys and stupidly big exhausts stuck on (at least round my way) while having those tiny 1-1.4l engines. Therefore body kit + exhaust = chav in many folks mind.

    There are definitely plenty of "Sports" versions of regular cars being driven by regular folks wanting a fun car, but by and large, if I see one - my mind still reverts to immediately thinking of "chavs". It's that body kit + alloys + exhaust...


    Mine is stock, and imo doesn't look remotely chavesque - although I am sure the loud exhaust will make people think it is (Scorpion, came on the car when bought). In honestly, if I could tone that down without spending a large lump of cash I would. It's a bit too noisy for my taste, but still... fun :D


    As for selling on cheap, the running costs are high. I was recently told I would be best just buying a cheap run around car for winter instead of driving the Z - for safety reasons. I can then see how it goes for many who do this. Run around car would cost 1/3rd the fuel, 1/4 the tax, and 1/2-1/5th the insurance. (depending upon age!). As you drive the boring commute you realise its better to take the crap one, leave the fun one for special occasions. Suddenly you're driving the Z at the weekends for 8 months of the year, and not at all for the other 4 months. Given the cost of maintaining it (tax, insurance, service) being northwards of £1k per year - if you end up driving it perhaps 20 weekends a year, that's bloody expensive! With the amount invested in it (depreciation) and the cost of £50 per drive before even paying for fuel (from the tax, insurance and service cost with 20 weekends use!) - I'm not surprised that people then sell it on as it is insanely expensive for a bit of fun :D


    I refer to the stereo system as being anti-chav - as slowing/stopping automatically reduces the volume if I am not mistaken.

    Since the road noise is so great you have to turn it up to drown it out at 70mph, it means at standstill if you haven't adjusted it you would definitely be blasting music out "like a chav" at lights - and doing this automatically is a welcome thing :D


    Looking for winter tyres at present...

    • Like 1
  9. So what route does it take you off on if you looked at the plotted map? I am going to take a stab that it goes to the M1 instead? Maybe it considers Motorway to be 70, A1 to be 60? Therefore M1 is faster? Dunno...

  10. Google says male... both on Facebook, and Linkedin. Whether they're the same person, who knows? If you know their email address, you can put that in the Facebook (or maybe Linkedin) search box and it'll show if it's associated with an account, perhaps giving you an idea of the gender :)

  11. Surely there must be factors increasing your insurance - like crime claim rate where you live?


    I'm 33, it was 17 years since I last had car insurance so 0 NCB whatsoever - got insured for £670 fully comp.

    So if you've 3 years NCB I'd be stunned at £900+ unless there's something massively different - and that's usually locations and claim rates I'd imagine?

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