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Everything posted by TheChosenOne

  1. Hi , Some kind soul decided it would be nice to clip my car and take out the drivers side headlight and wing , Im hoping anyone on here may have either of these parts to purchase ? Needed asap Thanks
  2. Thanks all il order one of those and hopefully it is the air con causing it rather than the exhaust
  3. Hi Everyone , I have had my 350z for some time now but recently i noticed a strong musty / fumes kind of smell when im driving The smell is stronger when your foot is to the floor and is a sort of musty burning fuel smell however just pottering around i get a wiff now and again and always get the sense the air isn't fresh. Strangely i think it is stronger when the ac is on both in recirc and fresh air mode , Im sure i can feel it on my skin and hair after driving but asking others in the car only one said they could tell after an hours drive. I had Nissan look at the exhaust for leaks when in for a service and they found none but im not sure they actually looked as i asking about it when i collected the car seemed to confuse them. However i have also had a look myself from a friends pit and couldn't find anything , there was a bit of a smell / hot air coming from the engine bay so im worried there may be a leak at the manifold. Can anyone offer advice on what you would do , what i could do , what it could be ect ? Im not sure what to do as i cannot afford Nissan prices to check the manifold and may not even be the cause , and could do with pinpointing the problem once and for all as some think i am imagining it and just as i start to believe them it gets bad again. I would have said it was a definite exhaust leak but cant hear a leak and thought the thing with the air con seemed strange. Thanks in advance
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