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Posts posted by VsoundZ

  1. Haha... It was an awesome spot and a great picture currently being used as my screensaver B)


    Yeah, I did wonder who was in the Civic - I think we crossed paths two or three times during the Le Mans weekend. You probably saw it parked by the gates going into Houx. It got really dusty being parked up by the dirt track ....and then it rained and looked a shambles :headhurt:


    I'm down there again next year and we're just starting to put the plans into action. I think we're going to put a deposit for a desent pitch in the next month or so.


    I think there will be an Impreza estate (support vehicle - but he won't be told this until the last minute ;) ), EVOIV and possibly a widebody MKII race escort in tow, assuming he get's it finished in time. Should be much more fun with a bigger group of people and would be great to get a decent convoy arranged. Think i'm going to watch the speed limit this time though...

  2. I've been looking at these on and off for a while - really like the look of them.


    Most of the rear window on the zed is useless anyway - so may as well do away with the weight :p



    That's exactly what I thought - save some weight by losing the glass, and stand out from the crowd a bit too B) Pity nobody makes them in the UK...


    I was going to email Andysautosport.com over in the US to see what the shipping would cost, but then I remembered they never bothered to reply to my last email which also related to shipping to the UK .... :thumbdown:

  3. Hi Guys,


    I'm pretty new to the site and have just stumbled across these 'Tunnel Hatches' on a 'Z stuff' google hunting session. I haven't seen them before, but wondered what everyone's thoughts are. I reckon they look pretty naughty, but would probably get it colour coded to be honest B)





    This one is from Strosek and is 5000 and a bit Euros. However, VIS (USA) also do one (Strosek replica) for about $850 - i'd expect the delivery costs to be a bit steep though. :thumbdown:

  4. I camped in Houx this year and someone had pitched in my spot which wasn't far from a group of Z's just inside the perimeter fence. I ended up right on the road by the main gates which meant the car got very dusty from the road...


    I did a couple of burnouts on the Friday night just as it was starting to get dark, but I have a red 54 plate so may not have been me... The burnouts took place by a dark blue dutch VW camper van (who were conveniently selling dumpy bottles of beer). There was a group of 5 or 6 old chaps sitting opposite behind a pasting table with voting cards for the burnouts. After passing through a couple of times, I spent a very amusing afternoon sitting there watching the traffic passing through - the highlights being a Renault Twingo and a Yellow BMW ZMcoupe in Taxi attire.... I'm sure some of you would have seen this.


    I had a scary moment on the return journey when I got pulled in at the Boulogne tolls for speeding. I was actually doing the limit most of the way back, but got teased by an English people carrier which kept overtaking and slowing down in front of me, so I put my foot down to make some ground.....and a lesson learned about 10 minutes later.


    I saw a VERY nice white Nismo edition Z at a french motorway service station on the way back...

  5. Hi Adam,


    Just joined the site a couple of days ago and thought i'd scan through the 'spotted' section - didn't expect to see my car though!


    I bought the car back in February having driven one a few years ago and now have a perma-grin whenever I get behind the wheel - Le Mans was the first proper 'long-distance' road trip. Managed a couple of burnouts behind Houx campsite.


    Was the Civic silver? (yes, it was - just re-read the post). Did you have an Impreza in tow?.


    Great photo by the way.



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