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Posts posted by tyl3r

  1. I'm trying to locate a bog standard passenger side skirt for my 2011 GT coupe.


    If anyone has one of these knocking about having upgraded previously then I will happily pay to take it off your hands. Silver ideally, but these things will paint so not the end of the world if it's a different colour.



  2. Hello chaps


    I’m new here and to the Z craze. Had the Z since 28th Jan - a whole month tomorrow.


    My last car was an S3, loaded to the nines with goodies but did everything for me and therefore turned out to be quite a boring drive.


    I was looking for something exciting to drive and the Z just seemed to capture my imagination.


    I’m really enjoying the experience. From parking it up and looking back and getting a giddy glow inside to the heart stopping moments of coming out of a roundabout not pointing 100% in the direction of travel.


    Here are a few obligatory pics. Note the redecoration over the offside rear wheel arch in the first week of ownership. Thank you very much Mr Asda shopper, whoever you are.

  3. ...sometimes it will hold, sometimes not...

    That's my gripe too. Can't depend on it. Latest theory I have is the angle of incline and nothing to do with order of releasing or applying or changing things.



    Here goes with a couple of demos of hill hold assist (or whatever Nissan call it).


    Quite difficult to do in the dark with torch for feet, floodlight to show road surface, camera, open door etc.etc and I appreciate that this is not a proof (I could be cheating with the handbrake etc) but hopefully this passes as an ok demo.


    First facing uphill on my driveway:



    Then facing downhill to prove the effect in both directions:



    Note the clutch is fully depressed at all times in the test – there is no driver-induced clutch control. If you listen carefully you can hear the brakes being released by the system (sounds like a dog bark or cough).

  4. ...In fact I'll be really controversial and suggest that no 370 has hill start...

    With respect, some of us have bought a car having been promised this feature by the salesman and the Nissan brochure.


    The feature is most definitely there and it applies for about 3 seconds before dropping out. To demonstrate: sit stationary facing uphill on a reasonable incline, in 1st gear, clutch and footbrake depressed, handbrake off. Lift footbrake to apply gas and do this lazily without bringing the clutch up. Would expect the car to start rolling backwards immediately on lifting brake but it does not. The car will just sit there and then after a few seconds, suddenly, the car will start to roll backwards.


    My issue is that it does not *always* apply and so being lazy I will roll backwards.


    Same can be demonstrated in reverse facing downhill.

  5. It works in forwards and reverse on mine... (370Z GT Pack - Manual transmission) but I still haven't worked out the "rules" of when it is going to do it and when it is going to let me down. Argh! :angry:


    ie. sometimes I start rolling backwards and look like a right doylem and then other times I'm stuck solid on the spot and have to forcefully pull away for there to be any movement in my wheels. Have tried and discounted handbrake, clutch, footbrake and gear selection order. My latest theory is that there is a tilt switch and that it only activates above a certain angle... that angle being too great for my liking. As yet unproved...

  6. Hello chaps


    I’ve had my 370Z (GT Pack + Connect Premium) for a month now and have to say that I’m really enjoying it. I got the Z because I was tired of the boring drive that my previous car was giving me. The 370Z is certainly not boring!


    Maybe it’s because it’s my first Nissan or because I’m a little thick sometimes, but I’ve got half a dozen “Huh?†issues with this car already. I’m trying to hold back on sounding like a complaining git but and perhaps it’s just my autistic tendencies that mean that this car has things that annoy me that others will not bat an eyelid at.


    Anyway… the thing that offends the most at the moment is the dashboard clock. How do I get it to show 24hr clock?!?


    The Connect Premium has a clock and that is (I guess) set by the GPS signals. It is bad enough that the two are not connected so they drift apart from one another. But at least the CP can be set to 24hrs. Huge glowing orange lights on my dash showing a 12hr time really offends me. I’ve been through every option I can find but no mention of 24hr. The idea that a Japanese clock will only show 12hrs is bonkers! I've been to Japan... they're more into standards and 24hr clocks than anywhere I've ever been!


    Now, I realise there are ‘hidden’ settings (such as Chris`I's guide on Auto Door Lock (Thanks very much the for that - sorted another one of my 'issues') but surely there should be a readily-selectable option somewhere?


    I've had to stick a piece of cardboard over the clock for the moment.


    Apologies if this has been dealt with already - I've tried search and have read through many of the historic posts.


    Any help much appreciated...

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