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  1. thanks again, good advice that is much appre ciated. I'll pop the spare on and bite the bullet and get a matching potenza put on.
  2. ok thanks for the advice, I will keep the back tyres the same. I did start to read the detailed post on having different tyres, but as no doubtfully informative and accurate it is, I wasn't sure if it was applicable to someone like myself who was not so concerned with high speed / track performance. regarding my "innertube" well ahem...errm yep I'm a bit dim regarding cars in general, but what i mean was whatever is used in the run flat tech to seal the tyre off. tbh i have no idea how they work. i have just sold a 30 year old vw t2 to get this z! its all new and exciting for me, all this performance car lark :o) cheers for the response fellas, Im off to read wiki in an attempt to educate myself in how this beast is put together...
  3. Hi everyone, I am glad to say I am a Z owner since last week. Have been driving with a smile on my face since I got her! bit gutted though as I seem to have damaged the rear driver side tyre somehow. I haven't hit anything hard (e.g. curb or pothole) but noticed a bump on the tyre wall yesterday. It looks like the innertube has come through the tyre itself. At first I though it was chewing gum or some tar stuck to the tyre, but on closer inspection it really does look like the tyre wall has been punctured through by the innertube! It's smaller than a penny in size. I assume I will need to replace the thing asap Has anyone else had this happen and knows how it happens so I can try to avoid it when I replace the tyre? I have read the forum and it looks like on my budget I will be getting a Falken FK452 to replace the tyre (Bridgeston Potenza re050) - as a complete dumb noob- is it an issue to put a falken on when the other tyres are all bridgestones?
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