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Posts posted by R-Face

  1. My '05 makes the same chattery/grindy noise from the transmission at idle with my foot off the clutch, it does seem to change depending on whether the car is parked on horizontal or sloped ground. Did a lot of research and came to the conclusion that its common and nothing to worry about. A lot of owners with relatively new cars seemed to get it and I even read of people replacing the clutch and flywheel only for the noise to remain or come back after a short period. I'd say don't lose sleep over it and don't waste the money if your clutch doesn't slip.

  2. I was getting a rattly/tinkly sound at about 2/3k... turns out the ceramic in one of the O2 sensors after the cats had broken off and was rattling around in the casing... my fault as I was a bit rough trying to get it out my old ones to fit to my Berks! :doh: Actually only fixed it yesterday! Took the sensor out and chopped the end off while I wait for a replacement haha!


    This is worth a check, should be easy to get them out if you copper greased em. Its was very obvious when I shook it in my hand.


    In fact I would like to put my money on this after reading your first post again!

  3. Ordered a few bits off this great guy. Had Invidia Gemini and Berks delivered promptly and at a slightly discounted price a few months ago. Also got some AMS pulleys, Nismo spats and engine bay bolts all with a big discount.. Solved any problems I had right away, great communication! :thumbs:

  4. :thumbdown: Sorry for all this text! I have to rant! :angry:


    Took it back in this morning and there was a different guy in charge turn up and the original younger lad who did the work. I explained the problem and showed him and he was adamant the guys that did it would never say they've done work when they haven't. :dry:


    He tested the brake fluid and it came up Good on his tester (the fluid they didn't touch). When he tested the clutch fluid all but one light illuminated which meant it was pretty bad! lol. He didn't have a lot to say to that but offered to change it again while I watched. I accepted as it was a different guy and would save me the hassle. Then he started coming out with the BS that it could be dirt in the pot contaminating it and how the master cylinder seals can turn inside out plus any other ridiculous theories you can imagine.


    Watched him carry out the work and after the first top up the fluid instantly turned golden and clean.. That was when he said that's what it should have looked like the first time while eviling the younger lad... :dry:


    They flushed through the system by leaving the nipple open with a bottle and tube attached while pumping the peddle. They then tested the clutch which was very springy and wouldn't return so obviously air in it. I told him to use the method were you pump the peddle and hold, open the nipple, close it then release the peddle. Got a bit more air out after a few attempts but still wasn't right. So he said he will gravity bleed it, so he tried that for a while then closed it all up and tested the clutch and said it was done. When I checked, it wasn't done :bangin: still not firm in the top portion of travel like it was before I set this lot loose on it so then came the BS about how it's new fluid or could be my clutch going as they are rubbish on these, or it was because when I drive I leave my foot rested on the peddle because "there's definitely no air in it!" So I said I know my car and that isn't right, let me see no air bleed out. I watched him bleed it and air came out, awesome. I noticed the tube over the nipple wasn't the tightest seal and got him to cut it down for a better seal, that helped get rid of a bit more air since it wasn't seeping through any more. Tested the clutch again and it was better, not sure if I'm paranoid but it could need a bit more bleeding but I'd had enough and got out of there.


    Incompetent. This is terrible, they would have got away with it if someone like my girlfriend had this done.

  5. So I go to Japtech in Grimsby, a new branch of the garage by the same name in Hull. I get the car MOT'd and ask for them to change the hydraulic clutch fluid and supply them with unopened Motul 600. There were only two of them in and I was the only customer there. After getting back home and thinking the clutch feels exactly the same I pop the bonnet to check its new fluid and this is what I find!





    Notice how the brake fluid is clean and clear, you might think they accidentally changed the brake fluid instead but they definitely knew it was the clutch fluid that needed replacing, he confirmed it on the phone in the proceeding phonecall; I drove straight back and found the garage closed. Gave the number on the door a ring and got through to the Hull branch who I explained the problem to. I got a phone call 5 minutes later off the guy who changed it who said he "definitely changed the clutch fluid as its the smaller of the two reservoirs" Said they had NOT changed the brake fluid. Then he tells me they're on a breakdown callout and will have to take the car back to Hull, they asked me to come in on Monday morning to check it out.


    This is so dodgy to me, the Motul 600 is almost completely clear and they have only used less than a quarter of the bottle. I haven't changed the brake fluid in the year I've owned the car so I wouldn't expect it to be clear. I suspect they sucked out what was in the brake reservoir and just refilled it with new stuff as they definitely didn't bleed the brakes either, which they also confirmed on the phone.


    Any comments on this. I really hope they own up to this and sort it out for free. Should I demand my money back as well? This is why I don't trust garages and usually do all my own work, service stamps mean bugger all! No offense to the honest garages out there

  6. Weather started to get better so I got the inner arch off and found the headlight adjustment motor spinning away happily... There is a little switch in the motor housing; if you flick it one way the motor spins clockwise, flick it the other way, the motor spins anticlockwise so obviously got to get it in the middle to stop it. The problem was that the plastic housing had parted which had pulled the motor away from the cogs inside and knocked the switch. Fix was to push the cover back on firmly :bangin:

  7. Morning peeps, I got home last night after almost a month away and jumped straight in the Z after withdrawal symptoms :cold: After about 15 minutes driving I pulled over to use my phone and noticed the idle was a bit lumpy, every 5 seconds or so I could hear almost a pop/bang.. very very quiet though but I cant think of how else to describe it! Just before I went away I had just recently fitted an Invidia Gemini with Berks HFCs, lower plenum and spacer so I think its down to that. Ill try a throttle body reset...


    Anyway, I popped the bonnet to listen and found a another unrelated noise.. a buzzing sound coming from the front of the airbox/rear of headlight.. I opened up the headlights about 5 months ago and noticed there was a little motor and gearing box in there so I imagine its that working its little t*ts off haha. I'm almost certain this is a new fault. I need to do a bit more investigation but its raining and cold outside :console: its still buzzes with the headlights off and comes on as soon as I switch the ignition on without starting the engine.


    Am I right in thinking this is for the leveling of the headlights? How does it know when to level them and how much by?


    I appreciate any help :blush:

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