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Everything posted by philthylow

  1. thankyou lol well just getting off my drive is a small challenge ! but it gets done twice a day. most places iv been the roads are ok but im sure there are many a place that would catch me out :s
  2. theres a few lol, and the roads are pretty dreadful but i do my best to keep it how it is. i must admit though i am on my 5th sump, 3rd set of arb drop links and bushes, 2nd set of rear camber arms, 2nd petrol tank, and i actually lost count of how many exhausts iv cracked. that said its a fun little car and i love it to bits =) I hope your not thinking of getting a Zed that low.......... cos you will need deep pockets to replace that lot. Also......... how often do you have to wash the pink cuddly toy hanging from the rear bumper........ daily I would imagine haha well..... philthy low is an addiction... so i would want to go low.. BUT i dont think id ever go as low as this again. iv spent so much fixing the damn thing... ha ! no its not been washed in weeks, got to admit now though poor gary ( its gary the snail from spongebob btw ) his eyes have been scrapping on the floor so hes now blind =(
  3. theres a few lol, and the roads are pretty dreadful but i do my best to keep it how it is. i must admit though i am on my 5th sump, 3rd set of arb drop links and bushes, 2nd set of rear camber arms, 2nd petrol tank, and i actually lost count of how many exhausts iv cracked. that said its a fun little car and i love it to bits =)
  4. hi there, im Matty, 23 currently a Civic EK owner but looking to sell up and in the near future get a 350z =) iv always wanted one but never had the guts to sell my pride and joy and work my ass off to afford a z lol anyways, heres a few lil pics of my civic as she stands today and how it will be when for sale =) Matty x also look out for my full feature in FastCar mag coming very soon, heres a lil teaser pic from the shoot a few weeks ago.
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