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Posts posted by Urbine

  1. Did anyone else catch Black Mirror (written by charlie brooker) on channel 4?


    Thought episode 1 and 2 were brilliant, episode 1 especially, episode 3 was a bit meh, but still good, probably because someone else wrote the last one.

  2. The non HR engine doesnt bother me too much, its like £250 cheaper to insure, 1450 down from £1700 on the 07 one. I was just wondering if you think its decent value for money, considering its from Nissan with the years tax, full tank and parking sensors.


    Thank you

  3. Hi Chris,


    Its not just a black/azure/orange zed im looking for, its one with as low milage as possible, as I know im going to have to sell it in a couple of years. Sorry :(


    Any thoughts on the second car I described though? It seems like a fair enough deal to me, would love some oppinions though, thanks.

  4. Cheers Lexx, Ive also got in touch with a Nissan dealership, they have a 2006 GT zed with 29,000 miles, 1 female owner, They said they'd take £11,995 for it and wil include a full tank of petrol and a years road tax, as well as this Nissan described it as imaculate except for 1 cuff on the driver side door rest thing, which they said is being sorted out this weekend. Seems like the better option at the moment, then again, still seems a bit over priced for an 06 even with the low milage? saying that though, £450 worth of road tax + a full tank of fuel (not sure how much that is) + a warranty from Nissan, doesnt seem too bad, or does it, considering the price of the car would be more around the £11,400 mark with all the additions.

  5. Hi guys,


    I was wondering if you could help me out, I'm a bit of a zed noob, I've got my eye on a 2007 non GT zed. I has leather seats, but its definately not the GT spec and has no cruise control/heated seats. I was just wondering what it is exactly? as googling it showed that the base and enthusiast models come with cloth seats.

  6. Hey,


    Thanks again for the input guys, If only you zed was black/azure or orange doogy :)


    Im from Cardiff Lexx, would you be able to reccomend me a garage, and what sort or price would I be looking at? Thanks :)


    It would be terrible to travel up to the midlands, only to find out theres something major wrong with it and have to take it back. Better safe than sorry though I suppose. Then again, its a fairly new-ish zed, I cant imagine there would be anything major wrong, although... im useless with cars.

  7. Hey Kurt


    It seems my personal circumstances have changed somewhat, long story short, I think I'll be able to make an offer in the region of 10k. Though this could be a couple weeks due to the fact that I firstly need to put my private plate on retention, I've sent off the forms today, but you know what the DVLA are like, they estimate about 2 weeks.


    I've also got to sell my current car, its a VW Bora going fairly cheap, so hopefully wont be too long.


    The non GT spec doesnt bother me too much, though leathers nice and easy to clean :D


    But anyway, hopefully you'll be hearing from me to arrange a viewing (can only do weekends) and perhaps we'll take it from there?



  8. I am in the market for this kind of zed, though I must admit, I was looking for an azure or orange and a GT spec, but.... this does seem like a very tidy zed.


    I'm trying to sell my current car (VW Bora) but as soon as I do, I may be interested (I love in Wales as well) if I dont in time, good luck with the sale :thumbs:

  9. Thanks for the help guys, appriciate it.


    @ coldel, I can appriciate what your saying, although I must admit, patience has never been my strongest point. I've just got a bit of a dislike towards greys/silvers, and if I have to wait for the right one, then I'll have to wait, though I must admit, I've been told so countless times by friends and family how ugly the orange zeds are, but I couldnt care less, it definately would be the colour of choice.


    That being said,I have been looking at this one:


    http://autotrader.co.uk/classified/adve ... ?logcode=p


    I've tried getting in contact with the seller (for the above) but the number seems to be wrong, its definately a bit more than I'd like to pay, considering the insurance is going to be costing around the £1,200 mark. Would love some oppinions of these though:


    http://autotrader.co.uk/classified/adve ... ?logcode=p


    http://autotrader.co.uk/classified/adve ... ?logcode=p




    Thanks again.

  10. My bad, sorry. I would say my budget is around the £7,000 - £8,500, depending on the zed, I'm aware that this would be hugely stretching it for an 06 reg, but I have seen the odd one for just over £8,500.


    As for modifications, atleast as far as body kits go, im a man of pretty simple taste, I would prefer it original, but would definately consider a nismo, as for any other modifications, I'm quite the newbie.

  11. Hi there,


    Recently got a new job and decided I should get a nice zed to go with it, I'm looking for an 04/05 zed coupe, as low miles as possible, preferably under the 70k mark. As well as this it would have to be either ginger, azure or maybe black.


    I would also be considering an 06 reg in azure, ginger or black as well.


    Sorry if im being a bit specific, but ive scoured through the classifieds and all I can seem to find is gun metal or silver, either too old or too many miles, or the odd roadster.


    Location wont be too much of a problem (excluding Ireland) as I wouldnt mind a long drive in a new zed.


    Thank you

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