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Posts posted by ZedMeister

  1. But someone decided to leave me a present regardless..





    Annoyed much?!


    So, any advice? Obviously ain't something that's gonna T-Cut out! Is there anything I could try before taking it to the garage and paying a handsome dollar?

  2. Has anyone had one of these from new? Just curious but how did you get hold of these, when I was looking about for a brand new Zed back in 2006 and again in 2007 there was no mention of Pearl White in the brochure, were these a special order and did they cost extra?







    Im going to be no help whatsoever here but I'm thinking about re-spraying mine white :D


    Awesome looking Zed.

  3. Its all relative surely, driving round here which is a reasonably nice area I see a few nicer, more expensive, more exciting, better cars but there's an awful lot more tatty, boring, sensible or just plain rubbish cars around. Despite it's flaws The Z is generally one of the nicer cars about.


    If I park up on one of the less salubrious estates near where I work I can guarantee I will get a number of positive comments on the car as they consider the Z something more exotic than the cars they generally see/own. I don't really like parking up there either as the car blatantly stands out as something a bit more special than the other cars around and may attract the wrong kind of attention.


    Now if I were to take the Z down to Monte Carlo it would be a completely different story and many would look down there nose at it and consider it "only a 350z". Thing is they would probably also consider a 911 "only a 911" and a GTR "only a GTR", it's all relative!


    The fact this **** said what he did only proves that to him it's not "only a 350z" but is a car he is some what jealous of and I would continue to make him jealous by making sure it's always as clean and shiny as possible. Just think how shitty his life must be to have to make comments like that to make himself feel better.


    I took the Zed to Monte Carlo last month and it turned more than a few heads - ala - :teeth:



  4. Removing the brakes would be best to get a good finish as it would need to be cleaned out.


    You can keep the brembo writing, you will just need to put some tape on the writing and peel off when paint is dry.


    Are you sure with the colour silver though?


    Surely it'd be mighty tricky to cover those tiny letters without hiding other parts of the calipers?


    Or am I missing something?


    ...uuummm get a new brembo sticker...?


    Had no idea! :teeth:

  5. Removing the brakes would be best to get a good finish as it would need to be cleaned out.


    You can keep the brembo writing, you will just need to put some tape on the writing and peel off when paint is dry.


    Are you sure with the colour silver though?


    Surely it'd be mighty tricky to cover those tiny letters without hiding other parts of the calipers?


    Or am I missing something?

  6. I want to paint my calipers silver to match with my Blade Silver chasis, so few questions.


    - Would it be recommended to remove the calipers completely and do it?

    - If so, is it easy to do as I don't have mch experience in dealing with brakes and obviously they are a pivotal component of the car which I don't want to mess up! (I could only find guides for changing pads).

    - Finally, long shot, is there any way of keeping the Brembo writing or would that have to be lost with a new paint job?

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