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Everything posted by dutts

  1. Hahahaha I already have to source a replacement switch, I was looking for any ideas on if this is another problem seeing as I can move the inner part of the switch (the bit the joystick obviously moves) but the mirrors still dont respond.
  2. Hi, I've managed to break my mirror switch joystick off (don't ask, I'm still not sure how it happened, reached down to adjust my mirrors the other day and found the little joystick in the cup holder).... It now looks like this... and this... What worries me is that I cant seem to be able to adjust the mirrors now even if I put the joystick back where it goes or using a small screwdriver down the hole (I am checking that the outer collar is rotated left or right to choose which mirror but still nothing). I've checked both fuses which are labelled "mirror" and they visibly look ok and the electric mirror retract switch and all the other electrics on the car still work fine. Has anyone seen this before? I can see from this guide that the joystick and retract switch are one unit and I think I've found the right part on a US site here, does anyone know if this is the same part (25560M / 25570-CD005) on a 56 plate UK GT model? (Apologies for the dusty car and horrible finger close up in these pics) Cheers Rich
  3. Wow what a quick response! Thanks everyone for a kind welcome! Buster, I went for black with the orangey/brown leather (dunno what that colour is called). I've wanted a zed since they came out and test drove one and fell for it! Can't wait... Rich
  4. Hi all, New to the forum and having just put a deposit down on a 56 plate GT 350z I thought I'd check out the community. So Hi! I'm from Northampton, many 350z guys around this neck of the woods? Rich
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