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Posts posted by Chipster

  1. Could there be something wrong with the electrics (if so any ideas?) or is this likely to be totally unrelated?


    Sequence of events:


    Week 1 - Passenger window motor gives up.

    Week 8 - Driver's side window gives up.

    Week 12 - Flat battery but AA man charges it and tests it saying it's about 50% through life cycle.

    Week 16 - Battery totally dies (I think) - literally no power whatsoever even after trying to jump start.


    FWIW the car runs mechanically perfectly but with regards to the battery - I do only use it every couple of weeks at the most (tis a weekend car). It's an 03 GT with 100k miles.



  2. I'm with Admiral.


    They (and Elephant) are always the cheapest for me.


    My car is stock but I enquired about adding a plenum spacer and was told they couldn't cover it because they wouldn't put it into any of their categories. I only tried once though, I'm sure I could convince them if I really tried.


    Thread here: viewtopic.php?f=63&t=47285


    Oh and these are the mod categories they have. Some of them they won't cover for at all though (e.g. turbocharging).



  3. I bought my 2003 350Z GT in March with c.100k on the clock. And here it is:




    For my own piece of mind, I immediately took it to the nice people at Lockwood & Greenwood in Manchester and told them to do a P3 service, even though it wasn't even due a service at all.


    I also told them to look for anything which might be on the way out, take it for a drive and see what they thought.


    In hindsight it may have been slightly risk to tell a mechanics to (and I quote) 'do you worst' but they're widely regarded as being a trustworthy bunch and I had a 3 month warranty from the place I bought it so thought 'what the hell'.


    To my immense pleasure, I picked it up and they described it as immaculate. They couldn't find a single thing mechanically wrong.


    However, since then:


    The passenger window motor died :bang: (viewtopic.php?f=10&t=50483).


    Then the battery ran flat after I left it for a week or so :bang: (viewtopic.php?f=10&t=50996).


    I then tried to jump start it with no success. :bang: So I called my breakdown provider and they came round and got it running again. Turns out I hadn't attached the jump leads properly :bang: My battery wasn't dead either, just flat which is good. :)


    The man also noticed that I had developed a flat tyre! So he kindly changed my wheel, ignoring protocol which was actually that I had to call Roadside Assist again :bang: My car is stored in a secure underground parking garage so I went to drive out to go to the tyre fitter. To do this I have to swipe my fob and open the gates.


    This was when I noticed that my driver side window had also now decided to give up :bang:


    Next I drove to Kwik Fit in picturesque Salford. The fitter tested my tyre by spraying it with screenwash and looking for bubbles, of which he found none. So he pumped it back up and put it back on my car free of charge.


    Not the worst situation in the world, but now I'm left without any functioning windows which will be £500 ish to fix :wacko: On the upside, it could also have been a new battery and tyre as well :)

  4. I was at L&G from 1.30 to 3pm today.

    Were you the 03 sunset by any chance?

    Unfortunately I'm useless with a spanner and can't help with your window.

    Always nice to see a fellow sunset owner in Manchester :)


    Yeah that was mine! I wasn't about then though - dropped it off at 8am and picked it up at 6pm.


    I've had an offer from a forum member who says he'll do it for £60... tempting.

  5. Lockwood and Greenwood are having a look at the moment.


    I saw the guides but I'd rather someone else does it. I seem to be able to take stuff apart OK. It's just getting them all back together which causes me problems :bangin:


    I've got a warranty from when I bought the car which will cover some of the cost too.

  6. Quick fix that worked for me:


    1. Open passenger door.

    2. Press and hold the window up button.

    3. Get someone to lightly bash the outside of the passenger door, near the bottom.

    4. Wait until window rises again.


    Then avoid opening the passenger window ever again.



  7. It would take an incredibly stupid person to claim the killing of Osama if it were not real.




    Personally I think it's been handled relatively well by the US.


    Burial at sea = no shrine. Pictures of dead Osama not immediately circulated = less to inflame angry extremists.


    I'll leave the conspiracy theorists to add it to their list of 'truths' alongside the moon landing and holocaust faking.

  8. Only had the car a matter of weeks, but I managed 32mpg driving to London from Manchester city centre (and back).


    That was giving it full beans on slip roads and M6 Toll etc.


    To make long motorway journeys more interesting I always challenge myself to avoid using the pedals as much as possible. The 'Cancel' button becomes the brakes :#1:

  9. First thing I wondered was do you definitely need the heat shields?


    I know they're not 100% necessary on other cars but I'm new to 350Z ownership so hopefully someone can fill in the blanks.


    Anyone with any insight into the necessity of the heat shields? :shrug:

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