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Everything posted by smurf

  1. o brill yes thats what i need zmanalex - how much would that be and how do i order one from you? cheers Smurf
  2. I have replaced the offside balljoint on my 350 it cost a fortune as i had to by the whole arm and ball joint inc hub as one unit - i did not go through nissan instead imported the part however nissan only sell this as one unit. It should be possible to just fit the hub as it clips off - does anyone know where i can just get a hub for the nearside ( this has started knocking) without having to buy the whole arm as well? thanks Smurf
  3. I need some new gas boot struts for my 350. my mrs is not happy about holding up the boot every time we go food shopping..she says it is too heavy and last time we went she dented the car with the trolley..this will not do! anyone offer me any pointers? thanks Smurf thanks you for all the replies - i have sent a message the regassing company in derby do fingers crossed!
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