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Everything posted by coletrickle

  1. Used to idle at a shade over 15 when thoroughly warm (which from some brief research on here sounds about right?) For some reason, mid journey, this has changed to 30ish. Seems a bit odd! I've done around 1500 miles since the service so not sure that the change mid journey can be attributed to new oil? Trying not to worry but it's annoying not having a clue why it happened!
  2. Thanks for the replies. Probably should have added a little more info: Car was serviced 3 weeks ago. Oil level was correct then, will re check next daylight opportunity. Car usually used for two circa 30 mile motorway journeys a week so should have been well upto temp previously.
  3. Hi all, Appreciate there have been numerous threads re oil pressure in the past but none that I've seen really explain this! For the last year and a half oil pressure at idle has been around 15. I did around 650 motorway miles this weekend. Around 600 miles in I noticed oil pressure at idle has now jumped to 30. Pressure still moves 'normally' and settles around the 60 mark at 60 in 6th. Any ideas why this might have changed? I'm hoping that, assuming oil level is normal, it's nothing to worry about.... But it's a bit odd!
  4. bronzee - yes its a Days of Thunder reference...used to love that film! MPG figures sound reasonable - not that much worse than what i'm getting currently really. Went to see the car yesterday, bit of strange one really. Car looked good (stunning in that colour!), paintwork fine, nearly new tyres. Haven't started or driven it yet so can't comment on that yet..... the reason being the service history i was given to look at or lack thereof! Car was serviced at 9k and again a year later at 15k in 2007 (albeit by a non Nissan garage). The next service stamp is P3 3 years 3 months later by the garage that's selling it now. They don't have any paperwork for the period in between but are doing some digging. Can't really believe that they would sell as a Nissan approved used car something that hadn't been serviced for over 3 years and 24k miles so will wait and see what they turn up. What's more surprising is even when i'd pointed out the lack of history they would barely budge on price despite the car having been for sale since September! Salesmen supposed to be giving me a call back this week re history and price but tbh unless he turns up some documentation and moves a bit on price im not sure this one is for me. Shame as it looked gorgeous
  5. What a friendly place, thank you for the welcome! I tried to give the dealer a quick call earlier but as its a bank hol they're closed. Bit of a shame as ill be out that way tomorrow. Still i suppose even dealers should get a holiday now and then. The comments on the service received by other members were reassuring - even if the colour listed is wrong! Currently driving a Megane 225 F1 and have been for around 3 years now, but time for a change and hopefully the first RWD after a string of hot hatches. Been considering the 350,s2000 and various BMWs but am starting to sway towards the Nissan. Can i ask what real world MPG you guys manage? I've seen the manufacturers figures but no car i've ever owned has come close to those! I'm hoping 21/22 mixed driving would be achievable? And there was mention of looking for an 07 model. I'm aware that these make a little more power and have a bulge - is there anything more to it? I think i'll have a look round the outside 2m even if they are closed
  6. I've decided that id like a change in 2011 and am being quite tempted by this at the moment: http://afnoble.nissan.co.uk/used-vehicles/nissan-350z-3.5-v6-gt-pack-30001030136.php I've had a good look round the site and found lots of very useful bits and pieces... there looks to be a great wealth of knowledge here. That said i thought i'd ask for an educated opinion on the advert above. My first thoughts are it's perhaps a little overpriced, but its close by and a cracking colour. Anything i should be looking for in particular at that age/mileage? And assuming there are no obvious issues... what's it worth?! Any advice/comments would be much appreciated.
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