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Posts posted by Rutts

  1. Hello all, Just joined the forum and thought I'd say hello. I'm not a 350z owner yet but I'm looking to buy one very soon. Thought I'd join the forum as it looks like a great place to get up to speed before I get out there and start actually hunting for the right car.


    Bit of background: I live up in Northamptonshire and currently have a my trusty but slow golf which has been getting me around the last 6 years. It was never going to put a big grin on my face but I have 2 motorbikes for that :teeth: So the golf will be replaced with some crappy old diesel (to tow bike trailer and get me to and from work) and I'm going to spank some money on a 350z as my fun car. Its taken me a long time to decide what to do car wise. At first I was just going to buy a BMW 330D and use that as my work/play car but they just don't stir any emotion mostly due to the fact that there are so many of them out there. It was a sensible plan but I've given up listening to my head. So the idea came up of getting a diesel for the day to day stuff and a little 2 seater to have fun in which lead me, eventually, to the 350z as its the only 2 seater I can see myself driving. So here I am :wave: I need to get up to speed on everything 350 wise so I'll be scouring the forums (already have to be honest) and you will probably get a few newbie questions from me.


    I look forward to getting to know everyone in here.

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