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  1. Talking od boy racer toys, this is what I just sold lol. I know I know
  2. LOL nice pun mate. On a serious note though you've stumbled across something that I rarely mention on forums. But yes I do know one of them. Martin Brundle is my cousins husband Thanks for all the info and welcomes guys.
  3. WOW fast replies. Thanks guys. Yeah bvy Nismo im basically talking wheels, them snazzy air filters and exhaust if there is one. A local dealer is selling a "Nismo" at the moment but they want 18k and I'm looking to spend around 12. We'll see though the longer it sits there the more likely I am to buy it lol.
  4. Hi all im Neil from Peterborough. Im 30 and a Potato Agronomist. I live with the mrs and 2 young sons and have another baby due in August. That will be the last one lol. I'm currently looking to buy a Z. Id expect to have one in the next couple of weeks. I just sold my pride and joy, a 400bhp Skyline but it was time for something a bit more sensible. I've searched the forum but I cant find an answer to my main question. Can the Nismo kit be fitted aftermarket? And if so, by who and at what price? (im talking engine, wheels and exhaust, not fussed on that rear spoiler. Look forward to speaking with you all in the near future.
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