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Posts posted by zeppelin101

  1. How do they handle - no idea. How do they look - IMO silly. Even on dubs I don't like the look.


    Seen too many cars spoiled by stretched rims IMO..oh and the fact its often ends up with an illegal setup as the rim sits outside the bodywork.


    The tyre is the defining part of the legality, not the rim. So long as the tread of the tyre is covered by the arch the setup is completely legal. Otherwise half the people I know who've got through an MOT or been pulled over recently would have been buggered.

  2. Which forum did he post on? The guys over at IMOC really know their stuff, and it's nice place to hang out as well.


    They're friendly so long as you don't mention certain individuals. Degenerates into a playground argument very, very quickly after this lol

  3. I'd say having the back stretched and the front normal would look more wrong personally!


    in this case it would be the opposite, the back wouldnt be stretched it would buldge ever so slightly and the front would be normal :) so i figure i need the front to buldge slightly to make it look right :)


    Different tyre makes stretch differently as well ;) I don't know what manufacturer you're planning on running but it varies quite a bit. The Falkens on the Blitz wheels sat on my S13 were pretty stretched when they had a 215/40 on an 8J, but another manufacturer might look a little more square. A friend of mine is running 205 Maxxis (I think!) on an 8J on his 323 and they don't look particularly stretched... the 215 Falkens looked MUCH more stretched than they do :)

  4. :lol::lol: good good, so does it seem right? i know im talking about something that i have never seen mentioned but the more i look at peoples cars the more i see this miss matched sidewall thing.


    its like having the front stretched and the back normal its obviously wrong.


    I'd say having the back stretched and the front normal would look more wrong personally!


    To see how certain tyres look on wheels, a good resource I use is www.rimtuck.com


    Just shoot in a tyre size and rim width and someone will probably running something similar. Although it's more of a stretch resource tbh as a lot of the cars posted are pretty flashy. I tried looking for a 17x11 with a 275/40 and nobody was running that... Lots of people with 18s/19s/20s though so you'll probably find what you're looking for ;)

  5. Hi mate i am coops, resident carbon loon :bounce:


    I come from the SX background and if i were you i would not bother with the VQ, considering pulling it out of my Z just go RB, i did on a 14a and was the best thing i ever did !!!!!!!



    Not interested in RB in the slightest. Too much weight up front for my liking, and too long. I'm trying to address the weight distribution issue :)


    I've got my eye on a VQ30DET from a Y33 Cima at the moment mated to a 350z 6 speed box. With some mods I should be able to get the whole lot mounted very low and very far back. The best thing is the whole engine (minus turbo and manis) weighs about the same as a CA18! Even better is the DET is good for over 500hp unopened and produces mountains and mountains of torque - more than any RB for the same output :)


    I had a brief look into transverse rear axle gearboxes but I can't justify the outlay for one... So I'm back looking at Z boxes for now ;)


    Thanks for the welcome everyone :D

  6. Hey :)


    Thought I'd sign up, just looking for some info on a few 350 related things. I own a 1990 200SX at the moment and I'm exploring a few different swaps at the moment and looking into a hybrid VQ at the moment. Mainly interested in transmission bits at the moment but that might change...


    See some of you around at some shows this year?





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