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Posts posted by elfman

  1. Hmmm shakes are a bit different, just close your eyes, swallow and think of a good place haha. No chewing required. Just try to pretend its a McDonald's milk shake

  2. My 2p for a even half decent meal day.


    Breakfast: 30g of porridge oats with almond milk and a handful of blueberry's (assuming you don't have bucket hands)


    Lunch: 1 chicken breast and 100g of brown rice with a splash of olive oil (oil/fats that are a liquid at room temp are in general good fats)

    Could replace the rice with a sweet potato and spinach or asparagus


    Dinner: meat/fish salad.


    Snacks would consist of eggs or nuts(not the ones covered in salt)


    My understanding of fats and fat is that if you up your intake of good fats like olive oil and those found in nuts your body thinks" hey look at all these good fats I'll get rid of these bad ones as I don't need to store them"


    As said if you actually have say 4 smaller meals a day but more often then your body's metabolism should increase and you loose weight.





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