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Posts posted by darkoptics

  1. My trip was to Detroit and Vegas (quite a few 350's there) both by plane then driving round Utah and Wyoming where every other vehicle was a F150

    finished off in Yellowstone which is absolutely stunning, would highly recommend it there (although i can see that it would get very tedious in summer - the number of jams that were caused by people thinking they saw a bear, and then people stopping to see what those people were looking at - even in low season it was a bit frustrating... and we didnt see any bears!)

  2. Just got back from a mini roadtrip in the US

    back in the zed after 4 weeks break and couldnt believe how fast it feels, you get used to driving automatic in the us too quickly - its good to be back on the right (left) side of the road


    although $10 of fuel added 100 miles on the car computer - not sure £7.50 would get you 10 miles here

  3. The comments here are pretty spot on, courses and books are good but qualifications arent as useful

    you want to aim to end up with a skills matrix on your cv, a list of the technologies and languages that you know and some examples of websites that youve built, best way to do that is to just pimp yourself out for the first couple, if you hear somebody down the pub talking about looking for a website then offer to do it, theres no substitute for real world examples and it will give you a better idea of how to build sites if you have a purpose, rather than from a book

    or if you have a hobby such as your Z or a project, then go through and try and build something relating to that, think of problems and then go through the books to solve it - like "i have a page and i want to capture email addresses into a database" or "i want a slideshow on my homepage using script"


    this will give you a good footing in either approaching a company, or doing stuff for yourself







  4. its the silence that gets you

    its like walking through a movie set but without any birds or background hum, quite eerie in that respect, if you think of the last time that you remember hearing 'nothing'

    the architecture is quite something as well, alot of the eastern block cities have modernised somewhat so this place has been a time capsule of what it was like to live in a soviet-ukrainian city, so really interesting from that point of view as well

  5. ive stopped glowing now i think although i do still set off some car alarms when i walk past


    the tourism over there is actually alot more than you would expect, they do day tours there which can have a few minibus loads of people, me and a mate went over and had a tour guide by ourselves

    even managed to get a chernobyl mug and pen in the local shop (product marketeers dont miss a trick)

    so its getting to be like that already, although not as bad as Auschwitz quite yet

  6. Hi

    I currently have a photo exhibition showing in Eton (near Windsor) Berkshire, all monochrome images and taken from within the 30km exclusion zone around The Chernobyl power plant, the cause of the nuclear disaster in 1986


    its taken around 6months of work (around real work) and has meant that ive not been out in the Z much

    I was impressed though that 30 framed prints as well as other stuff fitted into the boot of the roadster (without spare wheel) - looking forward to some sunshine now and hopefully some meets when the show is over!


    if anyone is at a loose end this month and if its of interest then pop down and take a look


    more info and photos are on my website at : http://www.darkoptics.net



  7. had the ESP light flash the other night, had almost forgotten it was there!

    not sure after 7months of z33 ownership, that this means that ive been driving with slippers on for all that time

    or the other night was the first wet night ive driven in, and one of the first times shes been out since being frozen to the driveway for a month


    does your esp light just come on now and then? how much does it usually take to get it to kick in?

  8. I was hoping somebody here might be able to help, when i bought my z (04 plate roadster) the garage was going to get me a stamped service book for 3 of the 4 previous services (one of the garages had gone out of business so its fair enough that i cant get that)

    but they lost the proof if servicing and now say they cant get me the service history


    they offered me a warrenty in compensation but we all know how much they are worth, and ive lost all faith in the garage anyway and wouldnt take the car back there at all


    so my next port of call is small claims to try and get some monetary compensation

    does anyone know of anywhere on the web or anywhere that i could use to get a quote for the amount my car was worth with and without a service history so i can use that as a base

    (or any other advice would be great ) - ill probably speak to nissan about the service book afterwards




  9. Thanks for all the welcomes

    the zx is still a great car, its just a pity that there arent that many around, the turbos cook quite a few components which is why i kept with the N/A and its been pretty faultless for all the time ive owned it


    replaced the stereo in the new zed today as the stock one had trouble playing any cd, least nothings changed like needing to take the whole dash apart to do simple tasks like that :)

  10. Hi all

    this looks like a great forum

    I have had the 350z (05 roadster) a week now, ive had a 300zx (strosek replica SWB N/A) for 7 years now and decided its time for a change




    at the moment ive got the makings of my fantasy garage, all i need is a 280z and that would cover off my favorite Nissans




    absolutely loving the linear power of the new zed though, even right up the gears there seems to be no shortage of it and coming from (a nippy but still) 20 year old V6, its a fair old difference

    a nice solid feeling to the car and interior as well, makes you feel like if you were to hit a brick wall, the wall would come off worse (not that i intend to try that)


    unfortunately the 300zx will need to go to off to a new owner so will be sadly put on ebay/pistonheads in a few weeks... its funny how cars seem to react to things, the new zeds only been here a week, have been out tidying up the zx a bit to get some pics of the interior and the alarms now playing up (its been fine for 7 years), rear tires got a nasty puncture and there looks like a small oil leak, trying to tell me something...


    hopefully get to some meets too this year roll on summer!



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