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Posts posted by poverty

  1. Got an after market JDM one on mine and the lights fit ok. If your going to do it 100% then it would be worth getting a cluster from a breakers but not a major requirment


    how bad is the fit mate? any pics showing which is the problem area?


    Thanks guys.


    ps, i'll be keeping my uk rear. i like having the option. if JDM rears get 'scene' then i'll switch back to UK. when it comes to selling i'd like the buyer to have the option also.

  2. I am hopefully doing this at the weekend thanks to the help of a member on here :thumbs:

    Just wondering, is this a direct swap? I presume it it, but do the recess lights match up? As UK is obviously wider. I'm not able to go check the car right now as its away.


    Any help? :boat:

  3. ahh yeh i saw that the other night, was tempted as its in the same colour (i think) as mine.

    If he lowered the price a tad i'd probably take it if its in good condition.

    However, he has quite a few over priced items in his online 'shop' :scare:


    dene, thanks again for that, i'll fire a pm over next week sometime and paypal you the postage :thumbs:

  4. :offtopic: Pretty new here as far as posting goes, i normally just browse and take in the info.


    However, as the mods have slowly started gathering in my room i thought i'd post to ask where i can get a JDM/import front plate plinth from? I understand this is a pretty bog standard question but search didn't return much :thumbdown: I'd also be interested in swapping my UK rear for a JDM rear if anyone is interested. The car is silverstone :thumbs:

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