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Posts posted by stuRS

  1. Hello mate -you have good taste! I can't wait for the trip, I went to Scotland last year to avoid the euro and got totally soaked. Can't wait to get down to the med. I've been told the Vouge (sp?) mountains are some of the best roads around.


    Love the zed but there's nothing like gassing the R1 and hitting 150mph before you can even see straight :D

  2. Haha,


    I don't always go direct gov (sorry - not even funny).


    I also find myself driving to the sound of the scorpion exhaust, it's a bad habit I picked up from riding bikes, but it makes me smile like a masturbating chimp.


    Arhh well, I have a smaller carbon footprint than someone who does 20,000 miles a year in a Prius, so I won't feel guilty for burning the odd barrel of oil for fun.

  3. o0o0o forgot about the Cruise Control - didn't have that in my JDM.


    Makes you realise what a drain town driving is really, I rekon I do less than 200 miles a tank with my drive to/from the train station.



  4. That doesn't sound too shocking actually, thanks for the quick replies by the way.


    I'm going to Italy on the bike in June, so planning to get the route sorted then. If I can get 350 miles from a tank with a bit of mountain madness I will be happy.


    Wonder if I'll be able to ask the other half to split the petrol costs...I'm sure that will give us something to talk about in the car!

  5. Hi all,


    I'm planning on driving down to Italy in the summer, which is about a 2000 mile round trip.


    at £70 a tank at the mpg I get around town, I'm looking at 10 tanks, or....gulp...£700 in fuel.


    I seem to remember getting about 350 miles from my JDM a couple of years ago, but has anyone got an recent figures, and how much is petrol on the continent?





  6. You should take 10% of that 164mph with a massive pinch of salt - sat navs and speedos at that speed are well off.


    My R1 has indicated 189mph in 5th, but there's no way in hell it was going that fast with a gear to go.

  7. The Supra cockpit is a way nicer place to be than a smelly old 350Z, Please try to be a little less juvenile and a little more imaginative with your derogatory remarks :dry:


    I think we get the picture, you don't like them.


    How are my comments juvenile exactly? My point was that bad examples still command high prices and pound for pound, the zed is a better car :surrender:



  8. In cold weather it's normal for traction to break on full throttle gear changes, does it 2nd - 3rd sometimes too.


    Clutchless changes shouldn't do any harm if you shut the throttle, it causes the same action as depressing the clutch (this is logic from my time spent on bikes - can't see why this wouldn't apply on a car).


    On a bike i rarely use my clutch on upshifts, don't try it going down the box though.


    Oh, and drifting with your hand brake?? Do you mean hand brake turns by any chance?

  9. 2565382633_f6fe4882ee.jpg


    Doesn't matter how much fibreglass you tape to the outside, it's still going to look like this on the inside :thumbdown:


    I bought the 350z safe in the knowledge that there is a limit to the depreciation, as people still want £6k for a smelly old import supra.


    By the way, always a fan of good examples of classic cars, but these two are in different leagues.

  10. Cat C makes no difference to insurance anyway, it doesn't have to be declared.


    Check for VIC check paperwork, if it doesn't have one it's not road worthy.


    You can get a low mileage engine supplied AND fitted for under £2000, so the worst case (providing all running gear etc is OK) is a £2000 fork out at some stage.


    I've had plenty of Cat C and D cars in the past, although avoided them when spending more than a couple of grand as the risk increases.

  11. I always drive in pumas.


    They have thin soles and are narrow at the toe, but when you get out the car you can walk about without looking like a prize c**t.


    My brother even borrowed them to do his driving test, he's been buying them ever since.


    Driving in my work shoes is horrible, leather soles and really wide, makes you drive like a spaz

  12. Can't wait to give mine a clean this weekend. Got a serious urge to take all 4 wheels off and properly degrease the rims and calipers - it's all about obsessive cleaning!


    With all the Auto Gylm & leather wipes I got for Christmas I'll be smelling like isle 4 in Halfords for weeks.


    Not sure about the other people's girlfriends comment, but most people come out with something along the lines of 'that's not your car'.

  13. 22 on my second zed.


    Got my first at 20, still sore from all that insurance rape.


    For the record, I think the older owners probably give it more beans than the younger ones. I let my Dad have a blast in mine yesterday and got taught a serious lesson in wet weather grip.


    He's not got a chance of keeping up on the bikes though - not with his knees!

  14. CS have told me Nissan dealers can get hold of really good quality ones for around £14. Official merch too.


    I think I'd get ridiculed for having the 1:18 scale on my desk, might try tracking down an official one on my lunch break

  15. Firstly - I do also own a real one...


    In an effort to stop myself storming out of the office and not coming back, I thought I might get myself a little model zed to sit on my desk, and remind myself why I bother with it all!


    Had a quick look on ebay but nothing jumped out at me. After a little one (1:43??) the same spec as mine (UK GM GT).


    Anyone invested before or have any handy links?


    Does this make me sad??

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