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Posts posted by brummybird

  1. I'm struggling to get mine ordered and delivered from them. I now have to supply dimensions of my factory fitted ones so I can get the right replacements. I don't really mind as I don't want to send them back if they are wrong but this is delaying an order I placed 2 weeks ago now :(

  2. Hi Steve,


    No you don't need to be in the job. If you have very little knowledge in the subjects then it's best to start with a level 1 course. It also gets you into a routine for studying.


    I have had a quick look on the ou website and found this degree. http://www3.open.ac.uk/study/undergradu ... on/b62.htm


    That degree suggests tu100 or mst121. I started with mst121 and is all maths and getting you used to studying again.


    With the level 1 courses most of the same courses are used in quite a few degrees so if you change your degree later the course won't have been a waste of time or money. You also don't have to register for the degree straight away. You can pick different courses and put them to a degree later.


    I hope this helps


  3. Thanks all!!!


    I had a blown tail light fuse and every time I replaced the fuse it blew again. I remove the ground to the stereo and the fuse didn't blow. I wired in my own ground and all was ok.


    Thank you for your help!!


  4. Go with the ou. I am currently studying for a maths/computing degree. You study at your leisure although you must allow the time to read the material and complete the assignments. Some courses (especially level 1) don't have an exam but if you do have an exam there are plenty of practise papers out there. The tutorials are not compulsory but I strongly recommended you go to at least 1 or 2. I spent ages thinking I was thick as I didn't understand something only to find everyone else was in the same boat!!

    There is also a forum for each course so you can chat to others around the country and even the tutors go on there to assist too. One of my computing courses (I haven't started it yet) will require my employer to write reports into my day to day employment. It is one of the courses that will give you points based on your current knowledge and work experience.

    You can study for CCNA and CCNP but you have to take the exams at a vue centre. If you already have these quals you can add them to your degree giving you the points immediately.

    Also if at any point I want to change my degree to science or art I can and my degree becomes an open degree. Everything is really flexible and everything you need to know is in their website.


    I hope this helps!!!




  5. I didn't have too many issues but my problem is when I want to do something I do it..... SO sometimes I can get carried away with trying to shortcut things before thinking. This is probably why my radio doesnt work!!


    I have replaced my rear speakers (on a new amp) with 2x focal's and 2x JVC's low end bass (not subwoofer). The JVC's were going to be my subwoofers but they are crap on what ever amp I put them on. My other half has given me his Hertz amp and subwoofer so I will be fitting them at some point. I will then look at replacing my door speakers and tweeters. I haven't decided what yet.


    Thanks for the offer of help, its much appreciated.

  6. Hi Winkj,


    I bought the JVC KW-AVX740


    Thanks for the post. I looked at the double din fascia's and thought that I had ordered the wrong one but luckily I haven't (phew!!)


    I fitted it on Wednesday/Thursday but now I have blown my rear lights. I think it may just be a fuse but I am running around in my husbands putt putt until Saturday. I have read online that if you get the aerial wired wrong it can blow the fuse so I will start there as the radio isn't working :)


    I hope yours is working well!!




  7. Thanks guys...


    I have just had to purchase 2 new rear tires for my pocket rocket so it may be next month before I start getting this looked at. Thanks Mike for your brothers number. Its always nice to have some one recommended, I feel better with my car in their hands :)




  8. Thanks guys. I will get a second opinion first... I live in Retford, North Notts, has anybody had any experiance around here with the garages. I dont want my leg lifted by Nissan but I dont want to be seen as a bird that the garage can make money out of...

  9. Hi All,

    My rear nearside wheel/suspension is making a knocking sound and when I go over bumps and there is a little steping out from that side of the car. It really sounds like the bushes have gone but I am not sure how to change them. Do I purchase a kit for both sides or can I replace just the nearside?


    Does anybody have any suggestions on where to purchase the parts? If the job isnt horendous I was hoping to replace the parts myself.

    Any help is much appreciated.


    Best Regards,


  10. Thanks guys...


    Its the rickbrook touring gear knob (went for the one with no 6 speed label) and the richbrook hand brake handle both in Titanium. I bought the gaitors from Top Gaitors on ebay. They did not fit very well so I had to modify them a little (especially the hand brake gaitor) but all was ok in the end.

  11. After reading up on all the handbrake lever changes I have decided to start my modifications :)


    Whilst I haven't posted on the other threads about hand brake changes I appreciate all the pics and advice. Here is my efforts:










    I have also put my own cherished plate on the car too. Its all down hill from here :teeth:

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