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Posts posted by ReaperRSX

  1. It could of been a lot worse



    chipsaway or someone similar will be able to sort that out for you. Should cost around £100.



    Thats not to bad then I guess.


    Well I've spoken with the car park and needed information in writing so provided what was necessary and lets see what happens. Will no doubt have to chase again next week but for a few phone calls its worth it.

  2. in the spirit of peoples innability to drive in multistories. me and my mate we standing chatting outside the gym on monday when we heard an almighty crunch. a woman had put her focus in 1st instead of reverse to get out a bay and just lauchned into the barrier infront. needless to say we were laughing and pointing at her. :snack:



    Classic mistake. Even worse when your actually looking over your shoulder then start going forward.


    Gonna try caling the car park this morning and see what they say.

  3. yes it is worth it, as it will cost you a couple of 100 quid to get it fixed



    Yeah I guess so, just car parks in nottingham and i'm based in leicester and won't be going up for couple of weeks now to see if there were any CCTV camera's with a view of the 'incident'.


    As promised pic of the damage, excuse the dirt, it wasn't cleaned at the weekend.



  4. There are quiet a few people selling bumpers at the minute. Depending on the damage might be cheaper to buy a bumper rather than repair original, especially if its the same colour. :thumbs:


    Not just saying that because I am selling bumpers and skirts but noticed lots for sale while looking at prices to put up for sale etc. Got to worth checking out though.




    Yeah just had a quick search and the azure one i saw has gone, and if the others need spraying might as well repair mine.

  5. I'm suddenly trying to remember where the CCTV camera's were and whether they might have caught the person, but then is it really worth the entire hassle going through to get it if its available. Luckily won't be going back to the car park, or atleast not in the Z


    Yeah got a pic, unfortunately can't find the cables to link up to the PC. It should be found eventually.

  6. After own my Z for less than a month I have had to park it in a multi-story car park a few time sand thankfully no issues until today.


    I come back to my car to find the rear left side of my bumper with a nice deep 3 inch high and 2-3 inch long scratch just past the wheel arch. Obviously the sod who did it didn't leave any sort of details, and only noticed it once back at home so couldn't even check if there were any security camera's.


    Its only tuesday and what a crappy week its going to be now. Now i was always looking a different rear bumper but more like 9 months not 1.

  7. Yeah very happy chap indeed.


    Sadly not completely settled with the car yet so giving the CS leicester meet a miss for now.... maybe next time when I'm much less of a noob when it come down to everything 350z.



    Just gave the car a nice full cleaning including the meguiars clay kit and waxing. Excellent mirror shine on it now.


    Car deffo needs a respray at the front, alot of stone chips including the front wings and even the bonnet but unfortunately can't afford it at the moment.


    Pictures to follow tomorrow as its a bit dark now. I'm sure the neighbours were laughing at the amount of time i spent on it today.


    Gotta say the Nismo exhaust is really nice and makes the car fairly unique, along with the nismo alloys.

  8. thanks for the welcome guys.


    the one i'm looking at is an 05 plate. Just over 34k on the clock and aparently just had a P3 service done so hopefully can rely on that a bit.


    The owner has already replace the rear lights with the 06 LED versions, and it also has the nismo exhaust and nismo 19" rims fitted.

  9. Hey guys, been a member for a few months but never posted before so first post woohoo.



    Off to see a Z at the weekend and just seeing if any of you experts got some tips for me. Not really bought a car before from a private seller so any pointers would be much appreciated.





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