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Posts posted by prescience1

  1. Hi Stan

    I agree whole heartedly that we should not generalise.

    A good friend of mine is an immigrant who has been in England about 5 years. He has worked flat out since he arrived and has trained and qualified as a mechanic when English is his THIRD language. (He is half Iranian and half Egyptian)

    He works extremely hard and always provides an excellent service. He has been victimised and racially abused at work and always miles through it all.

    He is at present working for a national based firm as a mechanic. The firm has just been the subject of a take over and all the ground floor employeee's were told that there would be substantial redundancies. These places were then filled with cheap polish workers saving the company substantial amounts of money INITIALLY. I say initially as the new mechanics are poorly trained and will over time cost the firm in claims for poor workmanship.

    Ironically my friend was one of the loudest complainers.

    the problem i think lies in that my friend puts all his earnings back into the british economy. the new workers send 50% of their earnings back home. This is a constant bleed of gargantuan proportions. it benefits the home country of the sender as it is new money to the economy. if this ability was stopped or substantially curtailed, and many countries have now done so, then we would be much less attractive to those persons coming here for work and home grown labour would slowly refill the market.

    As i said at the beginning I have no complaint at all with anyone coming to our fair country but at present it is struggling to sustain those already here and until that changes there is a definate need to stop, or radically slow down, the influx. If a British person went to Poland or Romania and asked for benefits I wonder what the reply would be?

    I agree with the selfish comment to a degree as well. When our leaders are shown to behave the way many of them have recently is it any wonder the populace often seems to follow suit.


    Anyway. I'm all right so stuff everyone else!!!! ;)

    Ming the considered.


    I agree with most of this ... but surely, it is justifiable that someone can spend (send) their hard-earned cash as they see fit. I suspect you would be very displeased if someone told you that spending it on your family was barred?

  2. :scare: Guys, Have noticed that my Engine malfunction Check light had come on steady (not blinking), anyone know what this means, manual says to get NISSAN to inspect it as soon as practicable...I have 2 yrs Nissan warranty, god, I hope its covered for something like this???




    Jerry :surrender:


    Given your mods it's extremely unlikely to be serious in my view. Most CELs with mods are as a result of pre and post cat sensors objecting (ie not acting in a predictable, consistent manner)


    I would highly recommend just doing an ECU reset (details here) and if, and only if, the problem recurs going to the dealer - merely based on having better options on which to spend your hard-earned :thumbs:

  3. Yup colour makes all the difference. The more popular the colour the less you will get.



    As for there being lots of silvers and greys, thats because they are more popular as colours - yes there are more second hand ones but there are also more potential buyers so it won't depress values as suggested.


    I agreed with everything you said until the last bit.


    A popular colour = more cars for sale = more choice = more bargaining power for buyers = you have to price it lower than the competition.


    It gets complicated with niche colours like TO. The amount of people that like the colour is very small hence the lower prices but then if someone REALLY REALLY wants one then they may pay a premium. I got strong money for the UY GT4 and the Gallardo mainly because they were rare and desireable colours that people wanted to pay a premium for.


    Agreed if what you mean ("like the colour") is that the number of people who buy determined solely on colur is limited. In my view, it's very much a lower-order effect compared to ticket price {unless you are buying new} .. but in certain cases can make the difference I guess

  4. This is especially for Sarnie as I know he likes me to give my views after a few beers ...


    JohnK, clearly you don't have an interesting life, and I don't know who PaulK is (sorry :blush: ) so stop p!ssballing around and give us a decent review and/or stop copying your posts lock-stock from another forum :lol:

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