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Everything posted by mr-roadrunner

  1. Another video of an R34 GTR at the nurburgring.. But not the usual... What did you expect from me... Luckily not me driving but a northern bloke with his own style of driving. With accidents deleted this time.. Contains bad language.....lots of it!
  2. Another video of an R34 GTR at the nurburgring.. But not the usual... What did you expect from me... Luckily not me driving but a northern bloke with his own style of driving. With accidents deleted this time.. Contains bad language.....lots of it!
  3. Well that's not what i was told about the videos.. But it seems what's good enough for one person is not for another....
  4. I have never met you mark@rsrnuburg and i don't want to come across as an arse but i think the fact you post those comments is hypocritical in it's self.. WHY.. Well considering your from rsr@nurburg you should know full well and i thought I'd mention...........bren of sliders guest house and dale are also both nurburg instructors at @rsrnurburg..
  5. Did you not read the first line of my post? "A quick question..." I see no point in commenting on the video. Worth remembering for future reference... Posting links to this video across the internet and posting photographs of your car in each of those links will not have done you any favours for when you come here in May. People will recognise the car and I wouldn't be surprised if Nurburgring GmbH recognise it too. They have banned people before based on videos posted on the internet and I'm sure will in the future. Yes you may be right.. But the whole filming at the nurburgring on a tourist day is hypocritical .. Example > Bren of sliders guest house posting videos of his RECORD BREAKING bike laps ,stefan rosser in the porsche yellow bird sliding and drifting on a tourist day.. A certain MX 5 the being driven by dale of RSR@nurburg drifting and silding around on a tourist day.. To name just a few people and these videos can be found on forums and you tube some of which posted by their drivers and for all to see.. And no one passes bad judgment on them now that's hypocritical especially has they should know better......
  6. Are you asking a question then? Or passing comment.... I have already held my hand up for the overtake.. SO Move on.. As long as there is differences of opinions there will always be arguments about this video.. But as long as people have a sense of humour as that's why it was posted in the 1st place and most seem like it for what it is.. That's good enough for me..
  7. Free in what way.. You pay per lap £15 ago for single lap ticket? but the more you buy the cheaper it is.
  8. Whats stopping you = Ferry from £70 return (Per car Upto 5 people) Rooms from £30 a night.
  9. A very bold claim when you consider what other cars are claased as GTs. Maybe the best GT under £40k or even 50k but best of all????? your right stew. lets say in terms of value for money. But value for money was not the point.. It's value for money all day long and It's an amazing car .. But If you read the whole thread on the gtr.co.uk R35 chit chat Goto lost it's x factor.. Because that's what it's lost it's x factor to be a drivers car (RAW )instead it's a very fast audi TT...
  10. IF you go onwww.gtr.co.uk Goto r35 chit chat look for -LOST IT'S X-FACTOR And theres all the comments on there that i,ve wrote.. starting with with this....... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Can i start by saying the new GTR is an awesome and very special car in everyway.. But it's lost that special X-factor.. After driving the new GTR i can honestly say it's completely different than the previous three generations/models.. I was left disappointed as to the on the limit handling of the new GTR. Anybody how has come to love the previous gtr for it's amazing ability to come alive in your hands when most cars fall off the scale may not find the new car to do this.. The thing i most loved with models previous was the car let you do the driving and the electronics did'nt involve themselves in a way to spoil this. But not with the new GTR even with the traction control off the electronics hinder the ability for the car to be pushed or come alive.. .That X-factor has gone and .it's ability to be a drivers car gone with it . I am sure the extra weight it's put on won't help either which when pushed is there to see.. I know you can't have it all in a car so if it is the case that the new GTR is heading for the bigger fatter GT market. Thus lots more electronics and sound proofing etc making it easier to drive for some people especially on long distances. Then fair enough but that speciel rawness has gone with it too.. In a nut shell the new GTR is a car for the play station generation.. Gutted!
  11. yes that would be this one.. And the number plate reads - 2.6 litre ferrari eater
  12. Thanks for the comments.. I've owed a few 350z's but not at the moment but still enjoy a drive in them when i get chance... And as Some of my friends take them to the ring thought i'd share this video on here..
  13. This video was posted on you tube at the request of the passenger....Lapping the famous Nurburgring in germany in my Skyline GTR34 which is running 480hp(but is capable of over 600hp.) But i'm not that established with the ring yet... The passenger poor John form up North asked for a lap while under the influence of a few beers the night before. He came to be fondly known as the "claw" as you will see that at time John or "Claw" is a little stressed at times. This was given away by the guttural noises and involuntary lifting of his right arm in the shape of a claw. Listen out for his wails particularly during the pass on the GT2. This is a sub 8 min car in 480hp mode. And my 30th lap. But due to a few yellow flags and traffic the lap suffered.. And before any one says bad overtake. BAD! But justified and as the rule of thumb says anything coming up behind you in your mirror on the track that was not there before is faster than you. And you should let it over take. And it wasn't going to move as he'd been there the day before with the same attitude.
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