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Everything posted by persiantiger

  1. Thanks for all your advice guys. The boot release under the strut (and diagram) was a great help as my gear the in car (sails, mast and boom) blocked access to the boot from the inside. In the end I smashed the passenger window (had glass insurance) a full 3 days after the event. Car was locked because I must have pressed lock button on fob with cold+numb thumb. Neither AA nor locksmith could break into it (c. 2hours each spent on this). Got tow home, arriving back at 2am still in wetsuit to bewildered girlfriend. Master key was incorrectly cut by Nissan!! Advice - check your master keys...haven't taken mine back to Nissan yet for replacement but will do. FYI - I used a Handirack (blow-up roof rack) strapped around boot on which windsurfer was strapped. Good for over 70mph, but after half dozen goes is starting to wear the paint on the spoiler. Cheers for a cracking (and quick to respond) forum!
  2. Thanks for your replies so far. It's a UK car. Not sure how the car locked - maybe with cold-numbed fingers I pressed the lock button after the open button, not sure. Have tried the driver's lock a number of times - maybe the locksmith (after 1.5hrs of trying - he wouldn't give up. He even got his safe cracking scope and monitor out!! Should write to my insurance company and tell them!) damaged the lock. Nissan garage said they sometimes provide the wrong master key ("happened a few times preivously").
  3. I placed the key in the boot whilst I was putting some windsurf gear into the car - hands full. Wind then blew boot lid closed; had previously avoided putting key into put for this reason! Is it possible to get a replacement remote control key somewhere other than a Stealership?
  4. Hi All, Looking for some advice: I locked my keys in the boot of my 2004 350z whilst down on the South Coast after windsurfing (inflatable roofracks used to transport board - works a treat strapped to the boot). After 7hrs of AA/locksmith attempts to break in, and me still in my wetsuit, I had the AA bring car back home (arriving back at 2am to my girlfriend's relief and amusement). For some reason my master key (without the electronic bleeper) won't open the driver's door. I'm basically going to resort to smashing the passenger window tomorrow and hoping the master key will work in the ignition or that I can retrieve the main key from the boot from the inside. So my questions are: 1) is there a boot release anywhere in the car - I read somewhere that there is a wire or some pull mechanism in the glove box behind the driver's or passenger's seat? 2) is there another way, other than smashing a window, to solve my problem? I've spoken to a couple of dealers and, true to form, they have no idea and want me to have the car towed into them (probably so they ponder over it whilst I rack up huge labour costs). I'm sure this is a fairly common problem. Any advice/experience gratefully received please...
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