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Posts posted by Milly

  1. Evening all,


    I hope you are all well this fine evening?


    I've read most of threads regarding bluetooth and was just wondering on the general consensus with the usability of the bluetooth function?


    The reason I ask is because I've just bought a 05 GT which has the cradle etc, BUT is missing the bluetooth adaptor.


    SO my question is . . . is it worth buying the adaptor that slots in the cradle or is it pretty worthless as it's functionality (according to many threads) is impaired?


    Any thoughts would be appreciated :thumbs:

  2. Evening Guys . . .


    here she is . . . was fully valeted and polished before I picked her up but after only 48 hours driving Devon's filthy roads she's looking a bit dirty :blush:





    And yeah . . . still got the 356 but lets just say she's work in progress !!! here's a pic





    Thanks for the warm welcome and by the way I'm MALE :thumbs:

  3. Evening fellas . . .


    . . . Thought I'd say Hi finally after having lurked over the past couple of months soaking up the abundance of useful threads on what to look for when buying a used 350z (good work fellas :) )


    Anyhows picked up my 2005 GT on Thursday and haven't been able to wipe the smile off my face for the past couple of days :D


    Here's to many miles of joyous ownership :thumbs:

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