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Everything posted by olly3421

  1. The upshot of the help from Alex and (my mate) Mike in particular, and the excellent ideas thrown about by everybody who's been so good as to post their thoughts on the forum is that the problem seems to be solved. Alex has described what was done above (with his direction over the phone) and a problem which Nissan told me would take 4 weeks and almost a grand (inc parts & labour) to fix has been sorted out in a couple of hours. It doesn't seem (judging from dust layers, ect) that Nissan even took the engine bay cover off or disconnected the fans to test - though they were very quick to offer to order an expensive part from Japan, offer to fit it too, and also charge me £70 for their (mis)diagnosis. Not very impressed! But thanks ever so much to all of you who've saved me lots of otherwise wasted money and got me mobile again! Cheers guys!
  2. Also, forgot to say that Nissan did a pressure test, and said it wasn't losing pressure at all. (Hope I've said that right) Don't know if that helps anyone with their diagnosis?
  3. Oh, I'm in Haslemere, Surrey. Anybody know any good garages near to me?
  4. Wow, thanks guys. I had never imagined for a second that I'd get such a enthuastic, quick and sympathetic response. Thanks for the welcome! The car overheated after a 25 minute fast run which was then followed by a 10 minute almost stationary queue to get in to the hospital car park. When Nissan took it out for a test drive later, they initially could not replicate the problem. I think they then later managed to re-create the symptoms by takng it out for a much longer the next day. The engine did get seriously hot though: all the liquids were literally boiling when I popped the hood. Sounds like your suggesting I get it check by an independent mechanic and then order a (perhaps used/perhaps non-nissan) new radiator, if necessary. I've seen a few rads advertised in the states for 350z's - worth considering? Or am I just unnecessarily paying import duties? Once again, thank for any input at all, Olly
  5. I've only had my 350z (54 plate Fairlady, actually) a few months and am already facing a huge bill! Nissan tell me the engine is overheating because the radiator fans need replacing. They say they can only get them from Japan, that they are going to take weeks and weeks, and will cost 700 quid! Surely this can't be the only way? They also say that only once this part has been replaced can they be sure that this really is the reason why it's overheating. Sounds like they're clutching at straws a bit, doesn't it? Should I take their diagnosis at face value even? Your advice much appreciated, Oh, and the dealer who sold me the car has gone disappeared, so bang goes the warrantee!
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