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Everything posted by unnamedwarrior

  1. yeah i got HKS back and center with racing cats from eny and boy it sounds like the dogs bollocks.. changed the induction too so much nicer sound now .. was going to do more but saving for the proper Nismo rims hehehe, so yeah I had the standard ones painted whilst I save
  2. Thought I would pop on and say hello as another member wanted to see some pics of my Z so I thought I would kill two birds with one stone. I have been an owner for 2 years now still getting to grips with the handling of the Z compared to my Teg I use to have which I pretty much track prepared.. was going to do it with the Z too but then money got tight so only made a few mods.. a few pic of the teg 1st ok enough of the teg heres the Z Mark
  3. hi ya Yeah ofc, I will pop some up tonight .. should I stick it in the gallery, dont want to get moaned at by the mods
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