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Posts posted by o1oscottyo1o

  1. regarding price... i know i really should go for somat else bein as though ive only got a small amount.. im thinkin about 12-14k...


    tbh i wouldnt mind another manual.. its jus the last few months the only manual ive driven is my mothers hair dresser pug 206 cc convertable which is a shed.. the pedals too close together n i jus dont feel safe driving it.. jumpy gear changes.. the car likes to stutter n well im jus not happy so thats the reason for my choice of auto...


    But i know all i need is to drive a propa manual car thats not a skip with wheels and a automatic roof n ill have faith in manuals again but im jus not sure.. i guess ive jus got lazy over the past year with the auto honda...


    an ruddy hell u lot dont mess about.. thanks for the prompt responses your all absolute stars...


    think ima leave it till november (my 24th bday) before i purchase car jus so that i can definately afford it... (that n i jus need to make sure no random women come knockin my door beforehand with child in toe tellin me well.. i hit the right spot... i cant b dealin wit that jus yet... n well my weekends consists of beer goggles n what i beleive to be top totty.. well untill beer goggles come off.. lmao.. so yer.. jus leavin it a cpl month to get my head round the idea...


    but again... thanks for the help hope to see u all around pretty soon at a meet or somat..



  2. Hey there,


    Ive loved the 350Z for a while now but always assumed i jus couldnt afford one so didnt look into it. so was gonna stick with the bmw n honda's...


    Anyways finally after bein worked half to death im getting a pay rise so a new motor will soon be on its way. . .


    Ive always drove manuals until i got my latest company car (nothin special jus an Accord 2ltr SE Exec) but its automatic and i love it.. makes driving a pleasure so was wondering.. Is their any major issues regarding autoamtic 350's? ive not seen many advertised for sale.. ive seen a cpl wit tiptronic but not sure what to do ...


    Im aware most peoples hate automatics and they say it takes the joy from driving but i disagree...


    Well unfortunately i dont have any pics for you as im still in the decision making stage and tryin to get finances to purchase one..


    Oh n if u wouldnt mind.. (i know im a penny pincher n skint) so what price am i lookin at for a 350 nothin special has a fair few thous on clock.. few years old.. whats a realistic price for me to get my first 350.. untill my boss pays me what im worth n i can upgrade...


    Well thanks for listenin guys


    Scotty aged 23 from Walsall, West Mids

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