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Posts posted by P15

  1. Anyone can go over to the OC site and join up as a 'user'. The is totally free and there is no restriction on the user threads and forums. Please enjoy what you see. Clearly as it is a 'subscription based club' there are areas you cannot see and access. I think you will find mention of this meeting within the public area.


    Guys, I have already e-mailed Duxford to try to gain information for their next car club based event which if 2006 was anything to go by wil be in May. One way or another you will be kept up to date.


    That is it for now as I will return to the OC site as you would expect. Thank you.

  2. This is an interesting read. What amazes me is that you guys are prepared to consider a joint 350z-uk and OC meet, but the OC will not let you attend their National Meet in September....mmm


    Kev.... you know exactly why the OC will not allow members of this site along to the National Meeting but just in case....


    The OC National Meeting is for Owners Club Members Only


    The reason is that the meeting is subsidised by the subscriptions paid by the members. I am not trying to seem aggressive here I am simply trying to clear up this point.

  3. Guys I read with real interest your comments and thoughts on a proposed date.


    Firstly we must appreciate that....


    August is bad for two reasons. 1. It is too soon to organise. 2. Too many people might be on holiday.


    September is out simply because the OC has its National Meeting during the middle of that month. I am sorry but my priorities are in that direction and I will not change.


    Valerio, I think, pointed out that October might be bad. I agree with him as the weather is not so good from then on.


    It is for those reasons I have my mind set on 2007. Ok Ok you may think 2007 is a long way off but it really is not. Duxford only hold car meetings weekends twice a year. I think the first is around May and the second is in August, so you see that if we go for Duxford the meeting cannot be before May (roughly) 2007.


    I am sorry if you feel this is too long to wait but that is the way it is. Now I am happy to keep this going if you want me to but should anyone wish to hold a joint meeting before the end of 2006 then I say 'more power to you'. If you want a 2006 meeting then I am happy to go along with the idea if someone else wants to organise it. Guys I do not wish to seem a killjoy but I just cannot do it in the time available for the reasons stated above.


    Please bear with me on this one and lets see what happens. If anyone wants a karting day then maybe, just maybe, I know someone that will be willing to help me on this issue. Come on please go along with the general idea of a meeting for 2007 and lets iron out the finer points later.


    I know that we cannot please everyone but I will work with you all to try to accommodate the wishes of as many people as possible.

  4. Gents

    As you can clearly see I am here and thank you for accepting my presence.


    Having read Sarnie's post regarding a joint meeting I thought 'what the heck' lets go for it.


    It, initially seems to me that there is no resistance to such a meeting taking place.... that is great! Can you please be patient with me regarding this potential meeting as I am sure you will appreciate that the OC is rather occupied with the forthcoming National Meeting in September.


    The venue I have in mind is the Imperial War Museum at Duxford. The museum sits right beside the M11 at, I think, junction 10 so I hope this would be easy for everyone to reach. I appreciate that this venue may mean that quite a few people have to drive a distance but of course we cannot please everyone as to location. The museum is a great venue full of interest and it means that people can wander off to view the exhibits rather than staying with the cars all day.


    Right, this only meant to be an initial 'hello' so I hope that you will agree to this suggestion and keep going along with this idea of a meeting. If you want further info from me or if you want to pass info to me then can you please e-mail me or have someone pm me over at the other site?


    Thank you for your support and I hope this all works out in due course.

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