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Posts posted by Craig

  1. I completely agree that this is a two way street. I am not into point scoring and I intend to start a discussion on the OC forum about the whole harmony/badmouthing issue. Both sides are guilty to some extent.


    As for the URL redirect, that is bound to be emotive. As the whole point of this forum was not to be an owners club, it seems a bit deceptive to use the URL in question. This is only my opinion and as you have bought the URL, you will use it as you see fit. I am also not implying that the OC forum is whiter than white.


    I have no axe to grind against anyone as those who have met me will know. I was not heavily involved in the old site and am only on the fringes of the OC.


    Many people have invested a great deal of time and effort into their respective creations (old and new) and they are understandably sensitive about things. I just hope that the sensitivity fades and we can get along.






    V, we met at JAE. I was never heavily involved in the site but was a member for 2.5 years and said I was happy to help if required. I'm only a regional coordinator so it's hardly a big role.

  2. Guys,


    Congratulations on the new site. The fact that 350Z owners in the UK now have 2 user communities is great news for all concerned. Choice is good and the 2 different bodies offer that, through their different approaches.


    I for one think that we should co-exist harmoneously. I am not involved with the running of either site, though I am a committee member of the OC.


    As for the URL redirect, I believe that the 'old' site should point to both new sites, and that the ownersclub.co.uk URL should point to the owners club. Fair play to the mods here for getting in there and nicking the name but it is a touch misleading. Hopefully, we can sort something out with cross-referring of posts too, once everyone has chilled out a little. I understand why the whole issue has been emotive for all concerned but we should stop fighting and get back to what we do best - serving 350Z owners in the UK.


    So here's to a great user community and more choice for owners :thumbs:

    And here's to bitching, competing and all the other negative stuff :thumbdown:



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