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Posts posted by Alex991

  1. Hi everyone I have an itch that needs scratching. Want something RWD that is reliable but still fast and came to the conclusion of a 350.


    Toyed with possibly getting an R32, Soarer, s2000 etc. Will be coming from a Celica GT 190. Plenty of fun but as I said, I have an itch :teeth:


    Now I am a mechanic and have worked on so many cars but only a couple of 350s and only thing I can notice is the do not fair to well underneath and get a lot of surface rust..


    I really do not want rid of the Celica as it is so darn reliable and fun at the same time. I have had a search on the forum but cannot find common issues, maybe me being thick?


    Will have a budget of around 7k... but have heard to go for the HR engine. Is the DE still reliable?


    Any help with links or advice what to watch out for is appreciated :D

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