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Posts posted by Hazza1190

  1. Hi Guys,


    First of all id like to thank you all very much for your warm welcomes and to all those who has given some awesome advice, The zed community seems like a good one indeed; all the more reason to buy one then eh? :D


    All of your information has given me some much needed confidence as to what i need to look out for when buying my one in the coming few months, im very excited to say the least!!!


    Im going to have a bit of a trawl through this forum to find some relevant posts like some of you have suggested.


    If anyone does have any more do's/dont's and things to look out for etc, it would be very greatly appreciated.


    Thanks again! :)



  2. Hello all!


    Im new to the forum as i am really hoping to get myself a 350z in the next few months/in the spring next year.

    Each day i look up about the zed and get more and more excited to own one, but i have only recently started looking into them so i don't really know too much about them at this point.


    I just have a few questions about the car (which i bet you get all the bloody time) so im sorry if its a repeat, i just thought id ask you myself so that i could work my way into the community at the same time. :)


    Firstly, is there anything in particular that i should be looking for when purchasing the car? So for example, are there any mileage related changes that i should be looking out for like 'make sure the cam-belts\chain have been changed at XXXXXX amount of miles'? Furthermore, are there any common mechanical related issues i should be wary of; mainly engine based but do they ever suffer from rust? If so, where would be a vital place to check?

    Im looking to spend around the £5-6K mark, is that a realistic budget for a car with fairly low mileage? - On that note, is it important to get a car with low mileage or are the mechanical aspects of the car good enough to not worry if it has up to 100k miles?


    In regards to insurance, i have only recently turned 20 with 2 years of holding my licence so im not expecting it to be cheap, but have any of you guys found a good insurer which tends to be the cheapest for younger drivers on cars like these? The lowest i have found was about £1100.


    I do have lots of other questions but i cant think of them just know so i'll address them at a later date. :D


    Thanks for your help in advance,




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