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Posts posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Welcome along :wave:


    Do you remember SAH Accessories? Only saying this as I used to have a Herald 13/60, and they were the place to go for tuning bits.


    S(id) A H(urrell) if I remember right? I had a saffron 13/60 convertible that I kept for over 20 years (that was turned into a 13/90 by John Wade of JW Developments) as well. :thumbs:

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  2. Let me take you all back to the spring and summer of 1991 when, for a few months at least, my daily driver was a wedgewood blue Triumph Vitesse Mk2 dhc. Massive, cast iron, 2ltr straight six up front, tiny little cherry bomb silencer on an otherwise straight through exhaust and single cart spring rear suspension with a couple of rubber dohnuts connected into the driveshafts to keep it all 'under control'. Every journey was an adventure (and a near death experience at most bends), but the noise was something I'll never forget and something I've longed to experience again.


    So, four years ago, number 3 child appeared and I dutifully sold the VX220 in order to buy a 7 seater family bus. I'm now at a point where I can look for a replacement and the six cylinder itch needs to be scratched again before the powers that be make anything with more than 2 cylinders illegal. So, you guys and gals enjoy the wonders of Japanese reliability, a nice big V6 up front and playful RWD. I also know that you all will look after your Z's with care and the benefit of the shared intelligence that comes from an online owners forum.


    Looking forward to getting to know you all. I'm off to the classifieds.......

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